Year 2 Autumn Term Week 4 Lesson 1

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1 Year 2 Autumn Term Week 4 Lesson 1
Addition and Subtraction of Money Year 2 Autumn Term Week 4 Lesson 1

2 Today we will be learning:
to recognise all coins to find totals how to add numbers how to add several numbers together.

3 Mental Activity 1p

4 2p Need each of the 7 coins from p91 one per slide to re-introduce the coins on screen

5 5p Need each of the 7 coins from p91 one per slide to re-introduce the coins on screen

6 10p Need each of the 7 coins from p91 one per slide to re-introduce the coins on screen

7 20p Need each of the 7 coins from p91 one per slide to re-introduce the coins on screen

8 Guess which coins you are holding.
Close your eyes. You will have three coins put in your hand. Can you say how much money you are holding? Feel the edges of the coins. Does this help you to recognise the coins?

9 How did you add up the coins?
Did you put the largest coin value first? What other ways are there to add money?

10 What is the total of these three coin values?
20p 5p 50p Answer:- 75p

11 Today we are going to use money to calculate.
Main Activity Today we are going to use money to calculate.

12 What is the most I could make using 3 coins?
I have five coins. What is the most I could make using 3 coins? Why? 2p + 2p + 2p = 6p

13 What is the least I could make using 3 coins?
I have five coins. Would be good to replace these coins with those from page 91 What is the least I could make using 3 coins? Why? 1p + 1p + 2p = 4p

14 Without looking you must now select three.
You have five coins. Without looking you must now select three.

15 You must now investigate and record:
the different coin combinations you can have the different totals what is the most and least you can have. Repeat for different selections of coins.

16 Group Work Investigate coin combinations. Use coins 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 2p. Complete activity using four coins. Investigate coin combinations. Use the coins 10p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 2p. Investigate coin combinations. Use coins 5p, 2p, 2p, 1p, 1p.

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