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Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Count Money - pence NCLO: To recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p). To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money

2 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total What is different about the coins you have counted? What do you notice about the totals? Are silver coins always worth more than bronze coins? What different ways can you count the coins? Which is the quickest way?

3 Fluency

4 Fluency

5 Fluency

6 Reasoning and problem solving

7 Reasoning and problem solving

8 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Count money - Pounds NCLO: To recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p). To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money

9 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total Which is the hardest to count? Which is the easiest? Why? What do you notice about the amounts? Does it matter which side the equals side is? What was your method for counting in 20s?

10 Fluency

11 Fluency

12 Fluency

13 Reasoning and problem solving

14 Reasoning and problem solving

15 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Count Money – Notes and coins NCLO: To recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p). To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money

16 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total How did you work out the missing amount? What strategy did you use to count the money? Explain what to do when the pounds and pence are mixed up.

17 Fluency

18 Fluency

19 Fluency

20 Reasoning and problem solving

21 Reasoning and problem solving

22 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Can you record your findings?

23 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Select Money NCLO: To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money. To solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

24 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total Is your answer the same as your partner? Does it matter if you say pence or pounds first? Does this change the total? Can you show this amount in a different way?

25 Fluency

26 Fluency

27 Fluency

28 Reasoning and problem solving

29 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: What coins could they have?

30 Reasoning and problem solving

31 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Can you explain your answer?

32 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Make the same amount NCLO: To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money. To solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

33 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total amount part whole model How is your way different to your partner? Can you swap a coin/ note for others and still make the same amount? What is the smallest amount of coins you can use to make _____? How many ways can you make _____?

34 Fluency

35 Fluency

36 Fluency

37 Reasoning and problem solving

38 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Did you use a strategy? Can you explain your strategy to your partner?

39 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Compare money NCLO: To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.

40 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note total greater than less than Do you notice anything about the amounts you have compared? What’s the same? What’s different? Can you add a value that will go in between the greatest and the least?

41 Fluency

42 Fluency Challenge: Can you explain your answer to your partner?

43 Fluency

44 Reasoning and problem solving

45 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Did you use a strategy? Can you explain your strategy to your partner?

46 Reasoning and problem solving

47 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Find the total NCLO: To find different combinations of coins that equal the same amounts of money.

48 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note digit partitioning regrouping Was your method different to a friend? What is the most efficient method? Why? Can you write a worded question for a friend? What was the greatest amount you found?

49 Fluency

50 Fluency

51 Fluency

52 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: How many different ways can you find?

53 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: What is the closest you can get to 65p?

54 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Find the difference NCLO: To solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

55 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins note addition/ add/ adding Subtraction/ subtract difference How many more? What’s the difference? How much less?/ How many fewer? What method did you use to work this out? Is this different to a partner? How?

56 Fluency

57 Fluency

58 Fluency Challenge: Show how you have worked this out.

59 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: How many different answers can you find?

60 Reasoning and problem solving

61 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Find Change NCLO: To solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

62 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins/ note addition/ add/ adding converting £1 to 100p Subtraction/ subtract difference Can you write a calculation for this? Why is it important to use the £ or p symbol? What strategy did you use to find the change? Did you use concrete objects to help? When would you use this skill?

63 Fluency

64 Fluency How much change should I get? Challenge:
Write the calculation to find the change.

65 Fluency Challenge: Write the calculation to find the change.

66 Reasoning and problem solving

67 Reasoning and problem solving

68 Year 2 Autumn Block 3 Measurement: Money
Two-step problems NCLO: To solve simple problems involving addition and subtraction of money, including giving change.

69 Key vocabulary and questions
money pence (p) pounds (£) coins/ note addition/ add/ adding bar model Subtraction/ subtract difference Here is a one-step problem. Can you think of a second step? Can you write your own two step word problem? Did you use a concrete or pictorial representation to help you?

70 Fluency

71 Fluency

72 Fluency

73 Reasoning and problem solving
Challenge: Explain your answer.

74 Reasoning and problem solving

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