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ECOSTAT 2013 – 2015 Tasks and Deliverables
Tasks MAIN TASKS ‘Intercalibration’ of ecological potential
Follow-up/completion of the intercalibration exercise for ecological status Contribute to exchange of information on Art. 5 analysis in 2013 OTHER TASKS Harmonisation/Standardisation Information exchange on comparability of classification methods Improving coherence of assessment between EU policies Further tasks (SPI, EIONET reporting, …) 12 May 2019
Main Task 1: ‘Intercalibration’ of ecological potential
General approach has been agreed: Step 1 – information exchange on HMWB designation and mitigation measures, focusing on specific uses (to be finalised March 2014) Step 2 - Harmonisation / intercalibration according to the recommendations in step1 (to be specified) 12 May 2019
Main Task 1: ‘Intercalibration’ of ecological potential – deliverables
Deliverable 1.1: Summary report on information exchange and analysis of the possibilities of intercalibration of ecological potential (March 2014) Deliverable 1.2: Results of the harmonisation/intercalibration (2016 or earlier) Need to agree on way forward and updated timetable following discussions tomorrow 12 May 2019
Main Task 2: Follow-up of the intercalibration exercise
mainly concerning coastal and transitional waters, but also lakes, and, to a lesser extent, rivers linking the exercise to the assessment methods for the marine environment (in particular for descriptors 5, 6, and 7). 12 May 2019
Main Task 2: Follow-up of the intercalibration exercise
Task 2.1: Completion of intercalibration for BQEs not included in the COM Decision Task 2.2: Completion of intercalibration for BQEs included in Annex 2 of the COM Decision Task 2.3: Intercalibration of new and updated methods for BQEs included in Annex 1 of the COM Decision 12 May 2019
Main Task 2: Follow-up of the intercalibration exercise
Deliverable 2.1: Overview of new and updated methods and agreed procedure for their intercalibration (autumn 2013) --> see agenda point 4d this afternoon Deliverable 2.2: Report of information exchange linking the intercalibration work for coastal waters to relevant MSFD descriptors (spring 2014) see agenda point 6 this afternoon Deliverable 2.3: Establishment of a permanent review panel and its work programme (spring 2014) see agenda point 4a this morninb Deliverable 2.4: Proposal for updating the Intercalibration Commission Decision and supporting technical documentation (2016) 12 May 2019
Main Task 3 (TBC): Contribute to exchange of experience on Art
Main Task 3 (TBC): Contribute to exchange of experience on Art. 5 analysis in 2013 (in cooperation with the WG Data and Information Sharing of the cluster Knowledge Integration and Dissemination) Deadline has passed – no activities planned 12 May 2019
Task 4 – Harmonisation/Standardisation
Recommendations on biological monitoring methods, including on biological monitoring methods for which harmonisation is needed and where standardisation is possible, and on which standardised methods should be added to Annex V of the WFD (development of new WFD relevant standards through the work of the CEN Technical Committee 230 Working Group “Biological and Ecological Methods). 12 May 2019
Task 4 – Harmonisation/Standardisation
Deliverable 4.1: Proposal of standards to be included in Annex V (October 2013) completed Deliverable 4.2: Plan for further harmonisation activities (spring 2014) See agenda item 12 tomorrow 12 May 2019
Task 5 – Information exchange on the comparability of classification methods
further information exchange and facilitation of better harmonisation on Nutrient standards and coordination of biotic and abiotic monitoring - further information exchange on approaches for combining quality elements into water-body level classification - approaches for dealing with uncertainty in classification. - further topics? 12 May 2019
Task 5 – Information exchange on the comparability of classification methods
Deliverable 5.1: Agreement on workshops to organise (spring 2014) Deliverable 5.x: Workshop reports Further work on nutrient standards proposed – see agenda item 10 12 May 2019
Task 6 – Improving coherence of assessment between EU policies (especially MSFD)
Eutrophication assessment and nutrient standards including assessment and coherence with descriptor 5 for “good environmental status” under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the assessment of eutrophic waters under the Urban Waste Water and Nitrates Directives - Hydromorphological parameters including assessment and coherence with descriptor 6 and 7 for “good environmental status” - Invasive alien species (IAS) including the assessment and coherence with descriptor 2 “non-indigenous species” for “good environmental status”. See agenda item 6 today 12 May 2019
Further tasks (to be specified)
- Typology – presentation/discussion tomorrow EEA/EIONET reporting of biological/ecological data – update today (agenda item 5) 12 May 2019
Updates of the work programme
Need to agree on the need to update/further specify the work programme throughout this meeting WGLs will update the document this spring taking into account ECOSTAT agreements 12 May 2019
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