OfficeTrack Mobile Employees Location Management Service.

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Presentation on theme: "OfficeTrack Mobile Employees Location Management Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 OfficeTrack Mobile Employees Location Management Service

2 The needs for Location Services Location services (people, cars, field equipment, etc.) together with management facilities for: Efficiency (Planning, tracking, reporting and more) Reduced cost (Labor, management and more) On Line Data exchange between field force and the company On Line and historic locations Getting various alerts and location reports Potential users are companies with field operations, field workforce, security companies, sales professionals and many more.

3 Browser tracking of the current geographic location of each handset. On-Line & Historic geographic location of each handset. Handset location based on Cellular Operator GSM / IDEN network using information provided by the SIM (or by direct GPS information from the handset like in IDEN) Attendance and Tasks reports management. Automatic alerts Build in reports Structured Security, Authorization and Confidentiality Office Track – the Solution

4 OfficeTrack – The Offer Cost effective service for business customer based on usage fee per subscribers Increase data income (ARPU) from business customer Powerful LBS platform for private consumer also for LBS services Local first line support Management system and Billing reports for the service provider operator Optional for web marketing Various of royalties sharing models

5 On-Line Employees Location- Main Screen

6 Various Setting Options Various Setting Options Construction and editing alerts such as: speed alert, distress alerts etc Enables users password change from the site language change, figurine display on the map, worker/ vehicle tracker etc Construction and editing distribution lists of alerts include recipients adding Construction and editing employees groups and granting to each group viewing Construction and editing data layers of interest points in the system Construction and editing workers location in the system Construction and editing of warnings about the area of interest points / polygons Construction and editing regions in favor for construct mission routs Construction and editing RSS in the system and viewing different news reports Construction and editing reports for mail address as scheduled Construction and editing of site users and granting permission to each user Construction and editing tasks categories and define time to each category Construction and editing routs and providing tasks rout to employee Construction and editing of templates for regular reporting tasks definition working hours per company, which at times outside working hours will not be saved locations of employees / vehicles

7 Reports List - Sample Print reports in various formats such as: PDF, HTML, Word, and Excel Send automatic main reports to the customer by email on fixed cuts Create mobile workers on-line location reports or historical location reports. The information could be present by chart or on a map Control Reports regarding cell phones status and other information reports Tasks status by employee Attendance report per employee

8 Mobile Employees Management Website Improves Improving and making areas of polygons view Search and route view from address to address or from location worker / vehicle to certain interest point View real-time traffic in cooperation WAZE Possibility of uploading a tasks file directly to the server Support the Mozilla browser (FireFox )

9 Attendance report Enables worker to transfer attendance reports from the field, including report on the work site and other workers as well

10 New Tasks Calendar for useful, easy and friendly use

11 Defines employees' tasks including information about mission and customer. Displays task on the phone and enables to get performance status

12 Route Optimization Optimal route planning option by recommended arrangement of sequence tasks assigned to an employee or an air to distance route between tasks (customers) Task List diary view form Weekly / Daily Calendar based (similar Outlook)

13 Route optimization

14 Route optimization and track Mapping Tasks

15 Phone Java Menu * Location - Turn on/off the server location possibility Attendance - Sign In/Out include code reporting Task Management Task Approve/Start/End with task number Manager Location Query - Manager can get to his handset/PDA location of his staff * Can be customize for customer needs

16 Mobile Employees Management - Client improves A new exciting Android version Possibility of taking pictures in the tasks report Possibility of attendance report by customers' code Possibility reporting new catalog numbers as part of the tasks module based on importing customers' catalog numbers list Gathering tasks by customer in phone application

17 Main Screen – Android Version

18 Tasks View on a Map- Android Version

19 At your service …. More available info at our WEB-Site Please contact us at :

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