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How to Build a Climate Policy

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Presentation on theme: "How to Build a Climate Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Build a Climate Policy
By: Alicia Orr

2 Climate Policies are Fragile!
These are some of the major roadblocks to climate policies: Partisanship Leadership Global Agreement Time Regional Influence Media and Communication

3 Problem 1 - Partisanship
Potential Solutions Bipartisan Legislation (Like CCL) Economically Viable Legislation (REP and Big Businesses) Progressive Climate Initiatives (DEM and Environmentalists)

4 Remember the Montreal Protocol Leaders?
Problem 2 - Leadership Potential Solutions Vote for environmentally conscious officials. Vote for leaders who have a good background. Vote for Presidents who are reasonable. Remember the Montreal Protocol Leaders?

5 Problem 3 - Global Agreement
Potential Solutions Western Nations need to take the mantle. International Policies need enforcement mechanisms. Start and Strengthen.

6 Problem 4 - Time Potential Solutions Democracy! Bottom up policies.
Local actions build local support for larger policies. CWA panels!

7 Problem 5 - Regional Influence
Potential Solutions Make international policies flexible, but within a set range. Local governance preparation and adaptation. International support for underdeveloped areas.

8 Problem 6 - Media and Communication
Potential Solutions Correct the Media perception. Scientists on Staff? Education, Education, Education! Outreach.

9 Successful Policies or Failures?
International Montreal Protocol 1987 Start and Strengthen Good Leadership Global Agreement Enforcement Kyoto Protocol 1997 Lacking Enforcement Lacking commitment Paris Accord 2015 Lacking Support Lacking Realistic Targets Climate Summit 2019? America Citizens' Climate Lobby Bipartisan Time-Table Communication Global Impact Climate Bills of 2007 and 2009 Never Passed Lacking Support Lacking Effective Reduction Measures ...But! It was a start.

10 Our Policy Bipartisan Economically Viable - Tax on carbon emissions, low to start and grows slowly with a dividen back to the people. (CCL) Little to no tax-break incentives for renewables because too expensive! Maintain minimal fossil fuels (Natural Gas) during coal phase out and transition to renewables. Strengthen congressional support USA Takes the LEAD! Enforcement Mechanisms (Montreal) Time-tables and reasonable targets with committee to ensure compliance. Flexible Policies - attack the root of the problem, with room for individual regional considerations Financial support to at risk regions and less developed countries Outreach and Grassroots! Local action - You can act now!

11 Now You Decide International or National or Local Policy?
Would you support the policy? As a policymaker, what you want to see changed in order to pass the legislation?

12 THE END ...of modern civilization?

13 Reference Links (Reading for Today)

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