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Biology project: HUmmingbirds

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1 Biology project: HUmmingbirds
By: Evan Schultz

2 Hummingbirds! I observed this on June 6th for about an hour or two.
The location was In the back yard at my river cottage on the Potomac river in Heathsville,Virginia. On a red apple hummingbird feeder filled with sugar water. This is what attracts hummingbirds.

3 Hummingbirds This hummingbird is called the Ruby Throated Humming bird, the female however does not have a ruby colored throat . These type of hummingbirds are the most common in the eastern half of North America.

4 hummingbirds These hummingbirds make nest the size of a walnut and lay pea sized eggs up to 3 eggs in amount. They are very attracted to the color red and get very protective around it against other hummingbirds, bees, butterflies, and moths. The average length is 3.5 inches with a weight of 1/8 ounces.

5 hummingbirds The bird in the very front is the male. You can tell because the ruby throated male has a greenish back and the females has a darker back. The female is slightly larger than the male and has a longer thinner bill. There wing beats are per second; average 52

6 hummingbirds This is a male Ruby Throated Hummingbird because the red throat and the and the greenish back. The ruby throated hummingbird are amazing flyers. They can fly straight, backwards and they can stop almost instantly. They can hover and switch positions such as forward to backwards, with the slightest of ease.

7 Hummingbirds In the picture you can the beautiful colorization of the Ruby Throated male Hummingbird. You can typically find these creatures in open woods, forests, meadows, grasslands, gardens, and backyards. They drinks nectar for there food, that’s why there are flowers on the feeder to trick them.

8 my experience during the observation!
This experience during the observation was actually very fun. Learning about a new animal and having to take the time to observe them was very entertaining. These birds are so small and fast, you can hardly see them when they go by. I definitely learned that it takes patience to observe these birds. Especially with birds who fly away and then decide to come back. This experience was very fun and I really enjoyed it!


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