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EGNRET 28 Kawasaki, Japan January 29-30, 2006 Cary Bloyd

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1 EGNRET 28 Kawasaki, Japan January 29-30, 2006 Cary Bloyd
2019/5/7 APEC Project Steps EGNRET 28 Kawasaki, Japan January 29-30, 2006 Cary Bloyd Test

2 Implementing APEC EWG Projects (1)
2019/5/7 Implementing APEC EWG Projects (1) Propose concept at second EGNRET meeting of the year Oct. 06). Develop two page concept proposal for submission to EWG one month prior (Feb. 26, 07) to their first meeting of the year. If EWG approves, develop full proposal for submission to BMC once month (about July `1, 07) prior to the summer BMC meeting. If approved, develop request for proposal (RFP) based on proposal once official approval to start project is received Jan. 1, 2008. Test

3 Implementing APEC EWG Projects (2)
2019/5/7 Implementing APEC EWG Projects (2) Let APEC Secretariat approve RFP, then either the Economy project overseer or APEC Secretariat sends out the RFP (Feb. 1, 08), allowing at least 1 month for bids. Obtain at least two bids, and chose the best bid, with concurrence of APEC Secretariat (April 1, 2008). APEC Secretariat signs contract so work can begin (May 1, 2008) Project is completed by the end of the second year (Dec ). Test

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