mis- = bad or badly, wrong

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Presentation on theme: "mis- = bad or badly, wrong"— Presentation transcript:

1 mis- = bad or badly, wrong
Word List: mis- mis- = bad or badly, wrong

2 misbehave to act out badly or in the wrong way

3 mischievous Tending to make minor bad choices; teasing; full of tricks; naughty

4 miserable feeling badly; the condition of feeling unhappy

5 misfortune bad luck

6 misjudge to make a wrong or unfair decision about someone

7 mislead to guide someone into the wrong direction; to be a bad influence

8 misspell to spell a word the wrong way

9 mistake a bad or wrong decision; error

10 mistreat to treat someone badly

11 misunderstand to think the wrong thing about what was communicated

12 judge = decide

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