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Totalitarianism Copy notes page 34.

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1 Totalitarianism Copy notes page 34

2 Totalitarianism= a government that takes control of all parts of peoples lives.
MUST HAVES: Powerful leader- has TOTAL control Security- strong army AND economy Many weapons of control- police terror, control schools, propaganda, blame one group of people for what’s wrong

3 Stalin: The Soviet Union
1) By mid-1930s, Stalin had total control of the Soviet Union’s gov’t and economy

4 2) Stalin built a command economy= gov’t controls economy, not people and created collective farms= gov’t owns all farm lands

5 3) He had a powerful secret police, killed all his enemies, used TONS of propaganda- took over newspapers, radio, and made religion illegal AND blamed anyone who he thought was against him




9 Hitler: Germany 1) Had total control over German gov’t, economy, and military. He was called Der Fuhrer

10 2) His economic programs gave work to millions and he took control of all areas of people’s lives  also rebuilt Germany’s military going against the Treaty of Versailles

11 3) All who opposed him were arrested and or killed along with their families sometimes. Gestapo= secret police, he used a lot of propaganda, and blamed everything bad on communists and Jews


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