A) Healthcare utilisation, b) short form (SF)-12 scores and c) work productivity and activity impairment in patients with asthma (▓) and diabetes (▪) in.

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Presentation on theme: "A) Healthcare utilisation, b) short form (SF)-12 scores and c) work productivity and activity impairment in patients with asthma (▓) and diabetes (▪) in."— Presentation transcript:

1 a) Healthcare utilisation, b) short form (SF)-12 scores and c) work productivity and activity impairment in patients with asthma (▓) and diabetes (▪) in 2010. a) Healthcare utilisation, b) short form (SF)-12 scores and c) work productivity and activity impairment in patients with asthma (▓) and diabetes (▪) in ER: emergency room; PCS: physical component summary score; MCS: mental component summary score. *: p<0.05. P. Demoly et al. Eur Respir Rev 2012;21:66-74 ©2012 by European Respiratory Society

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