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Strongarm Applied Postemergence in Georgia Peanut

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1 Strongarm Applied Postemergence in Georgia Peanut
E. P. Prostko, J.T. Flanders, S. Komar, E. Harrison Dept. Crop & Soil Sciences University of Georgia APRES 2004

2 Strongarm labeled in March 2000 PPI, PRE, AC broadleaf weeds
0.45 ozs/A $15/A 18% of GA acres in 04’ 10 month cotton rotation restriction

3 Objective To evaluate the performance of POST applied Strongarm on various weed species in GA.

4 Materials and Methods small plot techniques 3-4 replications
6 trials in 2003 3 on-farm 3 experiment station tropical spiderwort bristly starbur FL beggarweed annual mg wild poinsettia wild radish

5 Results

6 Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with Strongarm @ 0
Tropical spiderwort control in peanuts with 0.45 ozs/A, Grady Co., 2003. a ab a ab abc c EPOST = 17 DAP (2”, 3 leaf) LPOST = 31 DAP (up to 6”)

7 Tropical spiderwort control with POST applied Strongarm, 2003
Untreated Strongarm applied 17 DAP Strongarm applied 31 DAP PE-24-03 46 DAP

8 Bristly starbur control with POST applications of Strongarm, 2003
1-15” tall bristly starbur Included 0.25% v/v

9 Bristly Starbur Control with POST Applied Strongarm
Untreated 0.45 ozs/A 0.113 ozs/A PE-27-03 32 DAT

10 Strongarm POST Test - Growth Stages Ty-Ty, GA 2003

11 Annual morningglory control with POST applications of Strongarm - 11 WAP
LSD 0.05 = 4 Averaged over 3 timings (1, 3, and 5 WAP)

12 Florida beggarweed control with POST applications of Strongarm - 11 WAP
LSD 0.05 = 12 Averaged over 3 timings (1, 3, and 5 WAP)

13 11 WAP Strongarm 0.45 ozs/A + 0.25% v/v (Applied 5 WAP) Untreated

14 Wild poinsettia control with POST applications of Strongarm
ab ab bc bc c c bc bc d d Applied 21 DAP 1-3” tall; cot- 4 leaf weeds Included 0.25% v/v Mitchell County, 2003

15 Wild poinsettia control with POST herbicides, 2003
Untreated 1.44 ozs/A 0.45 ozs/A PE-15-03 67 DAT

16 Wild radish control with POST applied Strongarm
(3-4 leaf) (7” rosette) (flowering) Included 0.25% v/v 40 day after first timing LSD 0.05 = 11

17 Wild Radish Control with POST Applied Strongarm (1”, 3-4 leaf)
Untreated Strongarm 0.45 ozs/A Strongarm 0.225 ozs/A 40 DAT

18 Summary good to excellent POST control of several species
reduced rates on sensitive species such as bristly starbur, annual morningglory, wild radish timing is critical on some species such as beggarweed no POST control of sicklepod

19 Future Research variety tolerance crop rotations other weed species
longer or shorter???? other weed species horseweed copperleaf eclipta

20 University of Georgia Extension Weed Science (

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