Biology: What Is the Study of Life?

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Presentation on theme: "Biology: What Is the Study of Life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology: What Is the Study of Life?

2 Why Study Biology? Two important reasons for studying Biology:
Biology is relevant to our everyday experience Medical advances Addressing needs of growing human population Challenges of decreasing rate of biodiversity Biotechnology advances

3 Why Study Biology? Biology can be controversial Examples:
Dealing with endangered species? Use of human fetal tissue in biomedical research? Safety of irradiated foods? Figure 1-1c

4 What is Biology? It is the study of life. Branch of science
A way of understanding nature. A human endeavor An attempt to understand, explain, integrate and describe the world of living things.

5 What is Life? Living organisms: Highly organized and complex.
Are composed of one or more cells. Contain a blueprint of their characteristics. Acquire and use energy. Carry out and control numerous reactions.

6 What is Life? Living organisms: Grow.
Maintain constant internal environment. Produce offspring. Respond to environmental changes. May evolve. Insert F01_03b

7 Biology is a Branch of Science
Both an activity and body of knowledge. A way of understanding the natural world. Scientists make predictions and test those predictions.

8 Major Themes in Biology
Evolution by Natural Selection Inheritance Cells Biological Classification Bioenergetics Homeostasis Ecosystems

9 How is Biology studied? Insert F01-06

10 Scientific Method Begins with observations about our surroundings.
Next, ask questions about the phenomena we are observing.

11 Scientific Method Followed by generating a hypothesis.
Tentative explanation to the question.

12 Scientific Method Testing
Scientists perform tests to determine the accuracy of their hypothesis.

13 Scientific Method Explanation
It is a hypothesis that has passed the widest and most comprehensive series of tests. Still subject to review and consideration. May be elevated to a theory = well demonstrated principle.

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