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Tyrannosaurus Rex KarleyC. Tyrant lizard

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1 Tyrannosaurus Rex KarleyC. Tyrant lizard
T.rex comes from the Greek words and some times they live by the river. KarleyC.

2 Tyrannosaurus Rex The nickname of my dinosaur is T.rex.It had a thick neck and a large head.The skull was very stong.It had very short arms.The tail is to help it balance.

3 Tyannosaurus Rex T.rex weighed over 7 tons,they were forty feet long.T.rex was heavier than two large elephants.they had veary tiny arms,scientists believe they were used not for grasping or eating but for raising itself up off the ground after a rest.

4 Tyannosaurus Rex T.rex lived 70 million years ago in the cretaceous time period. The T

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