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Lavinia Andrei TERRA Mileniul III Foundation

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1 Lavinia Andrei TERRA Mileniul III Foundation

2 Who is TERRA Mileniul III
a non-governmental, nonprofit, politically independent environmental protection organization. Member of Climate Action Network (CAN) an international network of over 450 organizations worldwide; Member of Transport&Environemnt Federation, an independent pan-European association with scientific and educational aims; Initiator and founder of Climate Action Network Romania (which reunites 14 organizations from 9 cities in Romania); Initiator of Romanian NGOs Environmental Coalition (70 NGOs).

3 TERRA Mileniul III’s mission
to develop ecological projects in order to raise public awareness regarding the causes and effects of climate change and to promote programs for sustainable development at national, regional and global level.

4 Main fields of activity
Climate change Energy Transport Environmental education Structural funds

5 Main types of activity environmental activities and programs at local, regional and global level, mainly related to climate change mitigation; activities and programs to prevent the negative impact of public or private projects on the environment and communities; activities and programs to promote legislation and legislation changes in the environmental sector and associated sectors; educational activities for children and adults; encouraging the transfer of environmentally-friendly technologies and techniques, scientific research in environment-related fields; collaboration with local and/or regional administrations and communities in order to protect local and regional ecosystems; common programs with similar international organization in the social, educational and environmental sectors; promoting public participation, especially of youth, in the decision-making process and solving environmental problems.

6 Target groups Politicians; Central and local authorities; Mass media;
Business sector; NGOs; Teachers, students and pupils; Churches; and large public.

7 INTEL Project Romanian Case- Study was built on the project “Sustainable Use of Biomass in Vlad Tepes village”. The project was implemented by TERRA Mileniul III in partnership with Vlad Ţepeş local authority and a small family farm - SC Agromec SA. It was initially financed by GEF SGP and continued within INTEL financed by Europe for Citizens.

8 Whom did we address? The local population, farmers and authorities from Vlad Ţepeş and surroundings. We proposed solutions for the large potential of biomass (agriculture waste) that can be used as renewable energy.

9 Project’s objectives Strengthen the capacity of the local community to take decision regarding use of biomass from agriculture waste. Promote the use of local renewable energy for heating the houses and public buildings in Vlad Ţepeş, based on the use of agriculture waste. Dissemination of good practices regarding use of renewable energy in rural area.

10 Activities (1) Acquisition and installation of the equipment for producing throats briquettes. Training for personnel Starting production

11 The equipment Biomass (throats) P R E S U T E M P R A U Briquettes

12 Activities (2) Elaboration and distribution of an informative package for Vlad Ţepeş citizens. Survey regarding use of briquettes Two public debates Training for local leaders for promoting use of renewable energy.

13 Activities (3) Information dissemination Inauguration event
Press conference

14 Vlad Ţepeş - Briquetting “Factory”

15 INTEL seminar in Vlad Tepes

16 Benefits of INTEL project
To make the project more known nationally and also in the EU states; To meet European NGOs from similar but also from other fields of activities; To share new experiences and to learn how EU policies are applied in different European countries.

17 Thank you for your attention!

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