ACER’s view on the future role of the Gas Regional Initiative

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1 ACER’s view on the future role of the Gas Regional Initiative
5/6/2019 ACER’s view on the future role of the Gas Regional Initiative Dennis Hesseling Head of the Gas Department, ACER 11th Stakeholders group meeting of GRI NW Stockholm, 28 November 2013

2 Outline Background ACER’s review of regional activities ACER’s vision
General principles for regional activities GRI priorities and concrete actions Coordination of regional activities With NRAs and within ACER Stakeholders’ involvement Way forward

3 Review of regional activities: the background
Coordination of regional activities by ACER (ERI and GRI) since its creation in March 2011 Informal evaluation of ACER performance in 2012 (‘Hilbrecht report’) Evaluation by EC of ACER activities in 2013, three years after the start of the Agency Review of regional arrangements carried out in the framework of the general review of ACER activities Discussions held at ACER BoR level on how to best streamline regional arrangements, with a double objective: Simplify the existing multiplicity of regional groups Identify the main priorities for GRI and ways to improve internal coordination of relevant groups within ACER

4 Why a (limited) review of the GRI by ACER?
ACER’s review of regional activities Why a (limited) review of the GRI by ACER? After the first two years of existence of ACER, it is necessary to assess: Whether the GRI priorities are the right ones, taking into account the current regulatory context Which regional projects and activities are contributing most to achieving the IEM Which activities are best undertaken at regional level, which at national level and which at EU level How coordination (internally in ACER, with NRAs and with stakeholders) can be optimised The results of this thinking are presented in the next slides These are provisional principles, no final decision yet – your feedback is still (always) welcome!

5 A reference: ERI ACER’s review of regional activities
At the end of 2011, ERI started adopting a new approach: New project-oriented approach, with designated project lead regulators Focus on the implementation of the CACM target models, with 4 key priority projects identified: Market coupling (led by BNetzA and AEEG) Intraday (led by OFGEM) Long term transmission rights (led by CRE and EI) Capacity calculation (led by CREG and e-Control) Development of cross-regional roadmaps with key goals and milestones Geographical gatherings adapted to each project Strong stakeholders’ involvement via AESAG and regional consultations

6 Main principles of ACER’s vision (1)
ACER’s vision for regional activities Main principles of ACER’s vision (1) General principles for regional activities Keep a similar structure in Electricity and Gas (ERI and GRI) Focus on the early implementation of Network Codes Adopt a project-oriented approach and set up specific processes for NC early implementation where necessary Geographical configuration of groups adapted to the scope of pilot projects for NC early implementation (it may span across different regions)

7 Main principles of ACER’s vision (2)
ACER’s vision: GRI Main principles of ACER’s vision (2) GRI priorities and concrete actions Promote and facilitate the early implementation of Network Codes by: Identifying potential pilot projects at regional level Setting up a specific process for facilitating their implementation (in cooperation with ENTSOG) with involvement of NRAs, TSOs, EC & stakeholders Define together with ENTSOG the most appropriate working structures First positive experience: CAM (CAM Roadmap) Keep focus on market integration and on projects that can contribute the most to the creation of the IEM: Implementation of the Gas Target Model (ongoing projects for the creation of trading regions / integrated markets in the three regions) Preserve value of GRI as a regional forum for exchange of experience, information sharing and discussion of topics of regional interest

8 Coordination of regional activities
With NRAs and within ACER Main principle: avoid overlapping work and duplication of efforts Optimise resources and take advantage of expertise from different working groups in the FG-NC development and implementation process ERI, GRI Coordination groups chaired by Heads of Electricity resp. Gas Streamline cooperation between GRI and AGWG: AGWG focused on FG drafting, NC review and subsequent NC amendments GRI group focused on promoting early implementation Stakeholders’ involvement Participation of stakeholders is strongly encouraged and welcome in: Stakeholders’ groups in the three gas regions Stakeholders’ groups for early implementation of NCs (e.g. CAM)

9 The way forward for GRI: 2014 and beyond
Continue promoting the early implementation of CAM NC (in cooperation with ENTSOG) Seek to identify potential early implementation opportunities in other areas (e.g. balancing, interoperability) Continue implementing projects and activities at regional level until end 2014, according to Work Plans Reinforce focus on projects for market integration (implementation of the Gas Target Model) Discontinue work on infrastructures (dealt with in other dedicated working groups)

10 Thank you for your attention!

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