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Agenda *Research Paper Work Session: Conclusions *IR *Vocab Unit 8B

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1 Agenda *Research Paper Work Session: Conclusions *IR *Vocab Unit 8B
*Rhetorical Analysis: Susan B. Anthony *Start OMAM Socratic Seminar Prep (due tomorrow) HW: Socratic Seminar Prep

2 Reminders Vocab 8B starts today! OMAM Socratic Seminars Wednesday!
Research Paper Work Session – Today you should be starting the conclusion!

3 Research Paper Work Session

4 Writing a Developed and Detailed Conclusion
Conclusions are just as important as introductions. The conclusion closes the essay and tries to close the issue. The aim is to convince the reader that your main argument is the best one on the issue. You should not present any new arguments in your conclusion.

5 In conclusion, these marine parks should be closed, or at the very least, no new animals should be captured for marine parks in the future. Society is no longer prepared to tolerate unnecessary cruelty to animals for science and entertainment. If the world continues with these past crimes against marine creatures this society will be remembered as cruel and inhuman by future generations.

6 Writing a Developed and Detailed Conclusion
Restates the thesis 1 sentence Should not be an EXACT restatement Summarize your claims 1-2 sentences Reference all claims Provides a general warning of the consequences of not following the proposed change/thesis that you suggested (1-2 sentences) OR a general statement of how the community will benefit from following that proposed change (1-2 sentences)

7 In conclusion, these marine parks should be closed, or at the very least, no new animals should be captured for marine parks in the future. Society is no longer prepared to tolerate unnecessary cruelty to animals for science and entertainment. If the world continues with these past crimes against marine creatures this society will be remembered as cruel and inhuman by future generations.

8 Vocab Unit 8B

9 hypothetical based on an assumption or guess assumed conditional
actual real substantiated

10 ignoble mean low base inferior unworthy
admirable praiseworthy noble

11 impugn to call into question to attack as false deny
Dispute, challenge Question, query confirm prove validate

12 intemperate Immoderate; lacking self control; inclement
Excessive, unrestrained, extreme, inordinate Moderate, restrained, collected

13 odium Hatred, contempt Disgrace or infamy from hateful conduct
Abhorrence, opprobrium, shame, ignominy Esteem, admiration, approbation

14 perfidy Faithlessness, treachery Betrayal, disloyalty, treason
Faithfulness, loyalty, steadfastness perfidy

15 relegate to place in a lower position to assign Transfer
Demote, consign Banish, exile Promote, advance Elevate; recall

16 squeamish inclined to nausea easily shocked or upset queasy

17 subservient subordinate in capacity or role submissively obedient
servile primary domineering

18 susceptible open to easily influenced lacking in resistance vulnerable
resistant immune

19 Rhetorical Analysis Practice: Susan B. Anthony

20 Socratic Seminar Prep

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