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2 VIRGINIA PLAN Three Branches- legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature was more powerful, as it chose people to serve in the executive and judicial branches. Legislature Two houses (bicameral). The House of Representatives was elected by the people and the Senate was elected by the state legislatures. Both were represented proportionally. Other Powers The legislature could regulate interstate trade, strike down laws deemed unconstitutional and use armed forces to enforce laws.

3 THE NEW JERSEY PLAN Branches Three- legislative, executive, and judicial. The legislature appoints people to serve in the executive branch, and the executive branch selects the justices of the Supreme Court. Legislature- One house (unicameral) represented equally Other Powers The national government could levy taxes and import duties, regulate trade, and state laws would be subordinate to laws passed by the national legislature

4 CONNECTICUT PLAN Designed to keep the larger states happy
Upper House’s (Senate) number of delegates based on equal representation Lower House’s (House) number of delegates based on proportional representation (House of Representatives)

5 Three-Fifths Compromise
The number of representatives in the House is based on population So all “free persons” would be fully counted for tax purposes and representation but slaves would be counted as “three-fifths a free person”

6 RATIFICATION The Constitution was adopted on September 17th, 1787 by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia Went into effect on March 4th, 1789

7 FEDERALISTS Favored ratification of the Constitution
Supported a strong central government With weaker local governments Rich land owners benefited most

8 ANTI-FEDERALISTS Opposed Ratification of the Constitution
Supported Articles of Confederation In favor of a weak Central Gov, Strong State Gov’s Small land owners benefited most


Relations Among the States 4 The Amendment Process 5 The Supremacy Clause 6 Ratification 7

11 THE AMENDMENTS There are 27 First 10- The Bill of Rights
First passed in 1791 Last 1992

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