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Changes and Historical Time Series Oliver Heiden Eurostat.E4

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1 Changes and Historical Time Series Oliver Heiden Eurostat.E4
NUTS 2013 Changes and Historical Time Series Oliver Heiden Eurostat.E4 WG on Regional, Urban and Rural Development statistics – 2014 October

2 NUTS 2013 Applicable for data transmission 1 January 2015
Compared to NUTS 2010 new regions in: Country Legal act As of HR Council Regulation (EU) No 517/2013 of 13 May 2013 adapting certain regulations and decisions in the fields of …statistics… by reason of the accession of Croatia 1/7/2013 DE, EL, FR PL, SI, UK Commission Regulation (EU) No 1319/2013 of 9 December 2013 1/1/2015 PT Commission Regulation (EU) No 868/2014 of 8 August 2014 1/1/2016 October 2014

3 NUTS 2013 with Portugal Legal "as of date" Solution
NUTS Portugal: 1/1/2016 Eurostat proposal: 1/1/2015 SJ (Legal Service of the Commission): 1/1/2016 Solution Technical agreement between Portugal and Eurostat Portugal sends data in new classification already as of 1/1/2015 October 2014

4 Territorial changes (code changes excluded)
NUTS 2013 Territorial changes (code changes excluded) NUTS 1 NUTS 2 NUTS 3 DE 16  6 EL 2  2 11  12 FR 1  1 1  2 1  2 PL 13  19 SI 4  4 UK 2  5 14  48 PT 21  16 Ʃ 3  3 5  7 80  107 HR + 1 + 2 + 21 October 2014

5 NUTS 2013 October 2014

6 NUTS Historical Time Series
Art. 5(5) When an amendment is made to the NUTS classification, the Member State concerned shall transmit to the Commission the time series for the new regional breakdown, to replace data already transmitted. The list of the time series and their length will be specified in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 7(2) taking into account the feasibility of providing them. These time series are to be supplied within two years of the amendment to the NUTS classification. October 2014

7 NUTS Historical Time Series
Domain NUTS level 2 NUTS level 3 Agriculture – agricultural accounts 2007 Agriculture – animal populations 2010 Agriculture – crop production Agriculture – milk production Agriculture – structure of agricultural holdings 20102 Demography 1990 Employment, unemployment Environment – waste treatment facilities Health – causes of death 1994 Health – infrastructure 19932 Health – patients 20002 Household accounts 2000 Information society Regional accounts Science and technology - R&D expenditure and staff 2011 Tourism 2012 October 2014 2 The transmission is not mandatory.

8 NUTS Historical Time Series
Internal discussions Discussions with Member States Commission internal agreement November Translation: all languages ESSC opinion (voting) Scrutiny period: EP & Council Adoption: Commission Publication: Official Journal Entry into force = publication 20 days October 2014

9 Thank you for your attention!
More information on CIRCABC: Contact: October 2014

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