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The Articles of Confederation

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1 The Articles of Confederation
Chapter 4 Section 1

2 Background At the time of the Revolution, each colony had its own government. Rules were different in each colony. In order to form a new government, the American people looked to early forms of government to get ideas from.

3 The Mayflower Compact, 1620 Colonial Assemblies Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom, 1786 Magna Carta, 1215 The English Bill of Rights, 1689 Enlightenment Use page to write a short description of each

4 Vocabulary Controversial- subject to debate
Ordinance-official law or rule Egalitarian-characterized by the belief in human equality Natural law-an Enlightenment ideal of governing society; principles derived from nature that govern human society in the absence of legislated rules Constitution-set of basic principles and laws that states the powers and duties of the government. Suffrage-the right to vote

5 Articles of Confederation
The Continental Congress appointed a “Committee of Thirteen” with one member of each colony to draft a new national constitution. Articles of Confederation: the document that created the first central government for the United States.

6 What did it say? Articles of Confederation Single branch of government
Each state had one vote in congress Congress could: settle conflicts among the states Make coins Borrow money Make treaties with other countries and Native Americans Ask states for money and soldiers

7 Strengths Weaknesses Limited government Congress could settle conflict
States could refuse requests from Congress No president No national court system

8 Articles passed November 15, 1777 Northwest Territory
Congress had to decide what to do with western lands and how to pay debts-decided to sell off land. Land Ordinance of 1785-set up a system for surveying and dividing public lands Land was sold and split into townships Northwest Ordinance of 1787-created a system for bringing new states into the Union Northwest Territory-included areas that are now in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. Had a governor appointed by Congress When population reached 60,000, settlers could draft their own constitution and apply to become a state Public education No slavery

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