Lecture 03: Data Representation (I)

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1 Lecture 03: Data Representation (I)
(Coverage Diagram) Topics 1. Measurement Systems: Location: Coordinate Systems Readings on the topics Chapter 5 in the text Other readings Chapter 4 in Bonham-Carter’s (1994), pp Chapter 1 & 2 in Maling’s (1992), pp. 1-46

2 Lecture 03: Data Representation (I)
1. Measurement Systems: 1.1 Spatial Location: Coordinate Systems A. 3D Coordinate Systems: Geographical Coordinate System [Geographic Coordinate System Figure] B. 2D Coordinate Systems: (Plane Coordinate Systems) [The Plane Coordinate System Figure] B.1 Continuous Coordinate Systems: B.1.1 Cartesian coordinate systems: (local coordinate systems) [The Cartesian Coordinate System Figure]

3 B.1.2 Projected geographic coordinate systems:
[Projected geographic coordinate system Figure] B Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Grid System a) The Transverse Mercator Projection [Mercator Projection Figure] [Transverse Mercator Projection Figure] b) UTM: (1) The design [UTM Zone Figure] (2) Calculation of UTM Zone of Locations: ZUTM = (180-longitude)/6

4 (3) Defining the coordinate systems: [UTM Coordinate System Figure]
(4) Characteristics: Distortion (84 North ~ 80 South) Plane surface Universal B Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) Grid System a) Polar Stereographic Projection [Stereographic Projection Idea Figure] [Stereographic Projection Map Figure] b) UPS: (1) Design: [UPS Coordinate Systems Figure] (2) Characteristics

5 B.2 Discrete Coordinate Systems:
B.2.1 US Public Land Survey System (PLSS) [The PLSS Figure] Characteristics: (1) a series of origins were defined. (2) basic unit is acre or an area unit A section is 640 acres (3) defined on ground, not a grid and superimposed on a map B.2.2 Addresses B.2.3 Zip codes

6 Questions 1. What is a geographic coordinate system? What is the main
difference between geographic coordinate system and project geographic coordinate system? 2. What is a plane coordinate system? What is the major difference between a plane coordinate system and a Cartesian coordinate system? 3. What is the major difference between a local Cartesian coordinate system and a projected geographic coordinate system? 4. Describe the design of the UTM coordinate system. Compute the UTM for Madison. 5. What is a discrete coordinate system?

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