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Good bye to Ill Health Dr. Sunil M Thomas BHMS, DGC, MD ( HOM)

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2 Good bye to Ill Health Dr. Sunil M Thomas BHMS, DGC, MD ( HOM)
Presented by Dr. Sunil M Thomas BHMS, DGC, MD ( HOM)

3 What is

4 Allergy is a condition of over sensitiveness of an individual, to one or more substances which may be harmless or beneficial to a majority of other individuals OR

5 It is a condition of energy imbalance between the Electro magnetic energy of a person and the allergic substance

6 Most illnesses are caused by undiagnosed allergies.
When left untreated, allergies can become serious life - threatening illnesses

7 An allergic tendency is inherited or genetic

8 Stronger the genetic factor, earlier the onset
Both parents: 75-100% of children become allergic Single parent : 50% of children become allergic

9 Hygiene Hypothesis Allergic Eczema and Rhinitis were less common in children from macro families, than children from families with only one child. The higher incidence of allergic diseases were observed more in developed countries.

10 Various immunological & autoimmune diseases, are much less common in the developing countries, than the industrialized world. Longitudinal studies in the III world shows an increase in immunological disorders, as the country grows more affluent and presumably cleaner

11 50% of the world population suffers from various forms of Allergies

12 “There is hardly any human disease or condition, where allergic factors are not involved, either directly or indirectly.” Dr. Devi S Nambudripad. D.C, L Ac., M.D, Ph. D (Acu)

13 Common Causes of Allergies
Nutritional Toxins (Food Allergies) Environmental Toxins (Environmental Allergies)

14 Chemical Toxins (Chemical Allergies) Emotional Stressors
(Emotional Allergies)

15 Common Allergic Manifestations
Allergic rhinitis Allergic Urticaria Allergic Eczema

16 Allergic Sinusitis Allergic Asthma Allergic Gastritis

17 Common Allergens Ingestants Food, Drinks, Vitamins,
Drugs, Food additives Inhalants Pollens, Flowers, Perfumes, Dust, Dust mites, Viruses, Bacteria, Heat, Cold, mold.

18 Chemicals Paints, Formaldehyde, Fabrics, Cosmetics Radiations Sunlight, Heat, Radioactive, UV light Emotional Painful memories of Past & Present

19 How does allergy work? In most people…
First exposure to allergen, may not produce any symptoms Second exposure to allergen, may produce more noticeable symptoms Repeated exposure to allergen, creates serious allergic reaction

20 Physiology of Allergic Reaction

21 Allergic reaction takes place
Exposure to Antigen Sensory nerve endings Afferent nerve fibers Brain (Hypothalamus + Cerebral Cortex) Efferent nerve fibers Reaches rest of the body The immune system of the body gets triggered Lymphocytes (Mast cells, Basophils and activated Eosinophils) mature to plasma cells Antibodies (IgE + IgG) Allergic reaction takes place

22 How do we Diagnose Allergies? (Conventional Medicine)
Intra dermal Test Scratch Test Blood Tests like RAST test & Elisa Test Patch Test

23 How do we Treat Allergies? (Conventional medicine)
Drug Therapies (antihistamines or Steroids) Gives temporary relief Serious side effects of drugs

24 Complete Avoidance Therapy
Highly impractical Serious deficiency diseases

25 “The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease” - Thomas Alva Edison

26 Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)

27 Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)
Innovative and completely natural method A painless and non-invasive method used on anyone, even newborn infants.

28 Contact with an allergen :
Blockages in energy pathways.... Disrupts the normal flow of energy Weakness in one or more organ systems.

29 Reprogramming the brain and removing blockages from the energy pathways results in homoeostasis.

30 NAET is Multidisciplinary
Chinese oriental medicine Chiropractic

31 Homoeopathy Kinesiology Nutritional Medicine

32 How to Detect Allergy Muscle Response Testing (MRT)
Muscle weakness in the presence of a particular substance : Allergen Lack of muscle weakness: Non-allergen

33 Step I : Physician standing on the right side of the patient who is lying flat on a firm surface, with the left arm raised to degrees to the Body.

34 Step II Physician using his left arm , tries to push down the patient’s raised left arm. If the patient is able to resist this push, then he is well-balanced.

35 Step III: Suspected allergen is put on the right palm of the patient, and the physician tries to push down the raised left arm of the subject If the arm becomes weak, then the suspected substance is an Allergen.

36 Treatment method in NAET
The patient, lying on the abdomen, who is in physical contact with the allergen, is given rhythmic stimulation on the Spinal Nerves (Afferent & Efferent nerve fibers)

37 Deactivation of the previously activated immune response
New information of the desensitized allergen reaches the brain

38 After 25 hrs, the indicator muscle is found strong
Harmful Allergen becomes Harmless Allergen NAET reprograms the brain, by erasing the previously harmful memory of the Allergen, and imprints a new memory.

39 Food is the basis of our Immune system
Food allergy has to be detected & treated

40 Each allergen is treated and cleared one at a time Highly sensitive individuals require repeated treatments with the same allergen.

41 Scope of NAET Effective in treating various diseases
Speeds up cure  removing the blockages

42 other medical therapies esp., Homoeopathy
Compliments other medical therapies esp., Homoeopathy Removes the exciting and maintaining causes of disease

43 Effective in Preventing Diseases
Undiagnosed allergies are often the cause of Chronic Illness, which when left untreated, can become serious or critical.

44 Prevention is better than cure!
Identify hidden allergies in healthy people, even before the signs & symptoms appear

45 Healing Centre for Allergy
Rev. M M Thomas Memorial Homoeopathic Healing Centre for Allergy Pulladu – pm Thiruvalla – pm


47 Dr. Sunil M Thomas BHMS, DGC, MD (HOM)

48 Good bye to Ill Health Live a life which is worth living

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