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No Warm-Up: 9/28 /2017 Come in and take a seat- please note that you will be working in groups until the end of class on Monday, October 2nd. It would.

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Presentation on theme: "No Warm-Up: 9/28 /2017 Come in and take a seat- please note that you will be working in groups until the end of class on Monday, October 2nd. It would."— Presentation transcript:

1 No Warm-Up: 9/28 /2017 Come in and take a seat- please note that you will be working in groups until the end of class on Monday, October 2nd. It would be wise to sit with someone that you can be productive with AND get along with. Every student will be in a group; working individually is not an option.

2 Announcements Progress Report #2: Grades are cut off for the report at 4 PM this Friday. I have added Extra Credit points from Monday I am working on entering EC points from Wednesday WHS Family Night: Monday, October 2nd, 2017 Homecoming Parade Homecoming Pep-Rally Montgomery County College Lone Star Convention Center from 6:30-8:30 PM. I will be handing back Ch. 4-6 Test grades TOMORROW in class. I will be handing back your bibliographies TOMORROW in class.

3 Chapter 7: Founding a Nation
At the beginning of class today (Thursday) each group will randomly draw a topic from Chapter 7 that we will be working on the next few days in class. Each group will need to research their topic and create a poster OR design a digital presentation that will be DUE by the END of class on Monday, Oct. 2nd for a MAJOR Grade.

4 Chapter 7: Founding a Nation
Your project needs to include the following things: Basic Information: Who, What, When, Where, and Significance about your topic, any ESPN factors that are relevant (30 pts) Change over Time: a short timeline of events leading up to your topic and the related events that followed (minimum of 6 events) (25 pts) Projects need to include an APPARTS analysis over one primary source document related to their topic. (25 pts) Projects need to be neat and organized and should include visuals/pictures (20 pts)

5 Chapter 7 Topics Articles of Confederation
The Northwest Ordinance (1787) Shays’s Rebellion The Federalists The Anti-Federalists The Virginia Plan The New Jersey Plan Constitutional Convention The Debates over Slavery at the Convention U.S. Constitution The Bill of Rights

6 Upcoming Assignments Fall Project Check-In #3 (Daily Grade): Rough Draft of Statement of Learning due BEGINNING of Class NEXT THURSDAY, 10/5/17. Fall Projects are DUE for a MAJOR GRADE on Thursday, 10/12/17. (2 weeks from now). If you have not already purchased, The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Progress, by Carol Sheriff, you need to do so. You will be receiving your Essay Prompts/Discussion Questions for the Analysis Paper this Friday (9/29/17). The paper is scheduled to be turned in on Wednesday, 10/25/17 as a MAJOR GRADE for the next marking period.

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