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Reception Information

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1 Reception Information
Reception Newsletter Friday15th September Piggy Money 50p Fund! We would be very grateful if parents were able to send in 50p a week so that we can continue to provide additional learning experiences in class, such as planting flowers, cooking and sensory experiences… This week… The children have been amazing this week. They have all made some new friends and have explored our classroom further. They have completed maths and English challenges and are ready to begin work in their books next week. Next Week The children will be looking at books all about families. They will be talking about their family during Key Worker time and they will be writing all about their bodies in English. In maths the children will be counting to 20, and beyond, and practising saying one more and one less. Home Task – Draw a picture of you and your family. Ask Mummy or Daddy to help you name all the people on your picture and write it down. Don’t forget to put your name on it! Our topic this half term is called ‘Me and My Family’. If you have not yet sent in a photograph of your family, or ed one to me, please can you do this as soon as possible. Thanks! Reception Information Key Dates: Snack Reminders Changing 22/09 – School Welly Walk (bring wellies!) 29/09 – Macmillan Coffee Morning 02/10 – Book Fair 23/10 – Parent’s Evening Children are all doing really well operating the snack system independently. They have loved the variety of fruits, veg and healthy snacks available. They even do their own washing up and drying! Snack and Piggy Money is £1.50 a week. Please pay this on a Monday. Personalised PE bags have been ordered for all children and they should be with us next week! Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible when getting changed at home. This will really help us when we begin PE lessons next week! I am always available at the start or end of school should you have any concerns, queries or updates about your child. Alternatively, you can contact me through the office on or by .

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