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Improving Core Strength

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1 Improving Core Strength
Training Your Abdomen and Low Back Muscles Graphic

2 Excess Abdominal Weight Facts
For every inch your belly is larger then your chest, you are taking the risk of deducting two years from your life A man’s waist should not be any larger than 40 inches around the middle A women’s waist should not be any larger than 35 inches around the middle

3 Weak Core Health Problems
Weak abdominal muscles interfere with our organs ability to function properly May be the cause of digestive problems 80% of lower back problems are due to weak abdominal muscles Every day routines are more difficult Walking, getting out of bed and chairs Walking up stairs and keeping our balance

4 Ways to Reduce Abdominal Fat
Moderate aerobic exercise for 45 minutes, 3 times per week: - walking, biking, swimming, ect. Weight train 2 times a week at a moderate intensity level Proper diet of balanced meals with a reduction of consuming: Sugar, cookies, cakes, pasta …… Proper posture: Sit and stand tall

5 Stretch Your Core Standing side bend
Stand with feet 2-3 feet apart, with one arm at your side and one arm straight above head. Keeping body straight, slowly lean to one side as far as possible and then back to standing position. Repeat 8-12 times then repeat on opposite side.

6 Core Stability Wall push-ups
Stand with feet shoulder width apart inches from a wall. Place arms straight out, with palms against the wall. Bend elbows as you move towards the wall, keeping body straight and then push back to start position. Do repetitions

7 Core Stability Abdominal crunch
Lie with your back on ball feet flat on floor. Arms bent across chest. Lift shoulders 3-4 inches off of ball while tightening stomach muscles. Keep the small of the back on ball and neck straight while lowering back towards ball. Repeat times

8 Resources “Core Conditioning” Core Conditioning Illustrated
Arthur Patrick S. Hagerman “Strength Training for Seniors” Arthur Wayne L. Westcott and Thomas R. Baechle Prevention Magazine for age 40 and over

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