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A Choatic Regime or Efficient in Achieving its goals

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Presentation on theme: "A Choatic Regime or Efficient in Achieving its goals"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Choatic Regime or Efficient in Achieving its goals

2 Connector Chaotic Efficient

3 Outcomes All to understand how the Nazi regime can be viewed as efficient and chaotic Most to be able to identify and analyse sources that take these points of view Some students to be able to answer to a higher level

4 New Information From our previous lessons what do you remember about the key debates about the Nazi leadership What were some of the debates?

5 Nazi Germany- a model of totalistarianism
1984 written by George Orwell in the late 1940's models life in a totalitarian state He portrayed a system whereby there was no place for the individual and every aspect of life was controlled by the party In 1950's many historians interpreted the regime as an example of a totalitarian model

6 Today The idea is much less readily accepted
Nazi Germany was not the single all powerful structure suggested by the term totalitarian Although it was a one party state it did nt have the same degree of organisation as the USSR The Nazi's never gathered centralised control over the economy as the USSR

7 Read the source on page Read soures A-X
What are they saying about Hitler and life in Nazi Germany?

8 Debates Hitler- intentionalist interpretation
The Third Reich- a polycracy Photocopy green book pages

9 Sources “The government of Nazi state was chaotic and lacked coherance in the years ” Sources v w and x

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