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Presentation on theme: "Reflections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflections

2 What word can you spell using Religion?
Re – again ligar – tie, bind, attach To reconnect (people) to create community to become other-centered rather than self-centered (see definition of love!) Engineering: creating the infrastructure so that humans can live in community I’m not going to tell you what you should believe. How many of you feel that your values and world view are affected by religion? Are your engineering studies affected by what you value? Can you create connections between engineering of safe drinking water and religion? Engineering makes it possible to live in communities! Do you think of science and religion as opposites or as complimentary? The choice to care about others is a highly evolved trait. My experience is that happiness is directly related to other-centeredness. Have you had classes at Cornell where you have discussed values and world views in a safe environment? Are you curious about what your professors value?

3 What is Love? Love is "the movement of the self toward the Other for the Good of the Other" the Other is persons, non-human animals, the environment. Good is "thriving." --Dr. Andy Fitz-Gibbon, in Love as a Guide to Morals. Andy Fitz-Gibbon suggests "loving relationships" rather than happiness is the goal of human life.

4 How do you refer to the 2/3 world?
Third world Underdeveloped countries Developing countries Global South Resource poor communities The sustainable world The resource producing world

5 Sustainability AguaClara’s zero electricity technologies are for the Global South Sustainability is for the Global South Mechanized plants are better, so we only use AguaClara technologies for resource poor communities Mechanized dosing and flow systems are more accurate because they use sensors and computer programming

6 How would you respond? Cornell students who take CEE 4540 or who work on the AguaClara project are ill prepared for working as engineers in the US Exposure of students to engineering in the context of Honduras is not that valuable for Cornell students What is the underlying assumption? These assume that innovation isn’t useful in the context of the US

7 Edge of Knowledge What is your insight from this class about the state of environmental engineering infrastructure design? How much should you depend on standard designs? How did we start the process of improving existing designs? When it doubt, assume that the rules of physics apply! When it doubt, assume that the rules of physics apply!

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