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What was the original justification for setting up your PPSO?

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Presentation on theme: "What was the original justification for setting up your PPSO?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the original justification for setting up your PPSO?
“What are the benefits of the PPSO that you work in?” Time to explore, understand and highlight the key tangible benefits of your PPSO. How do others sell their PPSO concept to the organisation? What works in making a business case for PPSO/PMO services? What was the original justification for setting up your PPSO? What do the ‘purpose’ bits say in your job description? Can you help with your organisation’s greatest need? How? What have you been thanked for in the past? Who would complain if you were shut down? Why? What part of your job makes you most proud? Why? What was your greatest achievement as a team? What was the toughest challenge you overcame as a team last year? What skills do you have in your team and why are they useful? Try to re-phrase your capabilities as outcomes. Who benefits most from those outcomes? For non-financial benefits, can you pinpoint the stakeholder KPIs that you need to link to? What help would you need to make the case for your PPSO? Who has done it out of those here today?

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