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#71 Card What is the highest legal authority in the United States?

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Presentation on theme: "#71 Card What is the highest legal authority in the United States?"— Presentation transcript:

1 #71 Card What is the highest legal authority in the United States?

2 #71 Answer The Supreme Court

3 #72 Card Who has the power to set up federal courts inferior to the Supreme Court?

4 #72 Answer Congress

5 #73 Card Which court was set up in the Constitution?

6 #73 Answer The Supreme Court

7 #74 Card The types of cases the court has the power to hear is known as the courts

8 #74 Answer Jurisdiction

9 #75 Card What does the Bill of Rights guarantee?

10 #75 Answer Personal Freedoms

11 #76 Card What vote is needed in both houses of Congress to send a bill to the President?

12 #76 Answer Majority

13 #77 Card What is the legal protection giving authors, playwrights and musicians exclusive right to publish and sell their work?

14 #77 Answer Copy right

15 #78 Card What is the legal protection giving inventors exclusive rights to make, use or sell their inventions?

16 #78 Answer A Patent

17 #79 Card What is the upper house of Congress?

18 #79 Answer The Senate

19 #80 Card What is the lower house of Congress?

20 #80 Answer The House of Representatives

21 #81 Card When are elections held?

22 #81 Answer The 1st Tuesday after the 1st Monday in even numbered years in the month of November.

23 #82 Card Who has the sole power of impeachment?

24 #82 Answer The House of Representatives

25 #83 Card Who holds the impeachment trial?

26 #83 Answer The Senate

27 #84 Card Who are the judges in the impeachment trial?

28 #84 Answer The Supreme Court

29 #85 Card Who presides over the senate if the president is being impeached?

30 #85 Answer The President-Pro-Tem of the Senate

31 #86 Card Who is the president of the Senate?

32 #86 Answer The Vice President

33 #87 Card Who presides over the House of Representatives?

34 #87 Answer Speaker of the House

35 #88 Card What are the job requirements for senators and representatives?

36 #88 Answer None

37 #89 Card Who is the head of the Justice Department?

38 #89 Answer The Attorney General

39 #90 Card What is the Supreme Courts jurisdiction?

40 #90 Answer The Appellate courts and the non appellate courts.

41 #91 Card What are the three ways a bill can become a law?

42 #91 Answer 1. The President signs it 2. 2/3 vote in both houses
3. The President doesn’t veto it

43 #92 Card Who are the first four people in line of succession, to take over if the president dies?

44 #92 Answer 1. The Vice President of U.S. 2. The Speaker of the House.
3. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate. 4. The Secretary of State.

45 #93 Card What is the quorum for the Senate?

46 #93 Answer 50 + 1

47 #94 Card Who was the 1st President?

48 #94 Answer George Washington

49 #95 Card Where was the Constitution signed?

50 #95 Answer Independence Hall

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