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Be an Art Critic! Art critics critique or analyse art. The know a lot about art. People are usually very interested in what an art critic thinks about.

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Presentation on theme: "Be an Art Critic! Art critics critique or analyse art. The know a lot about art. People are usually very interested in what an art critic thinks about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be an Art Critic! Art critics critique or analyse art. The know a lot about art. People are usually very interested in what an art critic thinks about a work of art. Sometimes you ill agree wit the opinions of an art critic, sometimes you will note. Be an art critic! Pick one of the piece of art provided and complete the sentences below: The art work is called ______________________________________________ The artists name is ________________________________________________ This is what I see when I look at the art work ____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All artwork is made using a variety of art elements (line, colour, shape, texture and form). The one of two elements that stand out in this work are: _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Artists create a mood in their artwork. These can range from happy, nostalgic, angry, lonely to sad or mournful. I feel that the mood of this art work is ___________ due to _____________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Artist make statements or send messages with their art. I think this art was trying to say _________ ____________________________________________I think this due to ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I like / I do no like this art work because _______________________________________________ This art links to my theme through _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ My name is ___________________________, Art Critic.

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