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The Kite runner Chapters 20 & 21.

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1 The Kite runner Chapters 20 & 21

2 Chapter 20 Amir and Farid are traveling to Kabul.
Amir does not recognize Kabul. The war and bloodshed have destroyed most of what he once knew of in Kabul. While traveling, Amir learns more about his mother from a beggar on the street who used to be a university professor. His mother disclosed to her colleague, as Amir’s birth neared, “I’m so afraid, because I’m so profoundly happy, Dr. Rasul. Happiness like this is frightening. They only let you be this happy if they’re preparing to take something from you.” Hosseini uses foreshadowing, showing that she had a ‘hint’ of the tragedy in her own future.

3 Chapter 20 Farid and Amir arrive at the orphanage, where it was said that Sorhab was housed. Zaman says that Sohrab is not there and a ‘tall talib’(in sunglasses) bought him. This angers Farid, although all they can do now is find the Taliban official, who can be found at the Ghazi Stadium.

4 Chapter 21 In Chapter 21, Amir thinks of Kabul, “Maybe it is a hopeless place.” Farid takes Amir to Baba’s house, which is worn down and decayed. The dead pomegranate tree in Baba’s old yard symbolizes this hopelessness. The scene at Ghazi Stadium is brutal. The Taliban are flogging and killing those who acted against the Taliban. The man in charge of the flogging is the man Zaman spoke of, the Taliban official in the dark sunglasses.

5 Make connections and predictions
With a partner, make a list of predictions. We will discuss this as a class.

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