Inquiry 2 Reports due this week

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry 2 Reports due this week"— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry 2 Reports due this week
Inquiry 3 Proposals due next week, in lab

2 How do different individuals and different groups arise?
Evolution… Does it occur? How does it occur?

3 Does evolution occur?

4 Information flow in cells
Protein From “Biology” N. Campbell et al (2005) Benjamin Cummings fig 5.25

5 As organisms reproduce the DNA is passed on to the next generations.
From “Biology” N. Campbell et al (2005) Benjamin Cummings fig 13.5

6 Mitosis

7 When DNA is replicated, mutations can occur.

8 As DNA changes; traits change. Protein

9 Evolution: A species’ genetic component changes as the individuals reproduce. These changes are based on how the DNA changes and who reproduces.

10 Evolution: changes in DNA as information transmitted
Bacteria with mutation causing resistance O O O O O O O O

11 Evolution: changes in DNA as information transmitted
Bacteria with mutation causing resistance O O O O O O O O Apply antibiotic X X X O O O X X X O O O O X X X X O O O O Kills most bacteria. Except if some have mutation that allow them to be resistant.

12 Evolution: changes in DNA as information transmitted
Bacteria with mutation causing resistance O O O O O O O O Apply antibiotic Continues to replicate O X X X O O O X X X O O O O X X X X O O O O Kills most bacteria. Except if some have mutation that allow them to be resistant.

13 Evolution: changes in DNA as information transmitted
Bacteria with mutation causing resistance O O O O O O O O Apply antibiotic Continues to replicate O X X X O O O X X X O O O O O O O X X X X O O O O O O O O Kills most bacteria. Except if some have mutation that allow them to be resistant. O O O O Population of resistant bacteria

14 Evolution: A species’ genetic component changes as the individuals reproduce

15 Human DNA is divided into 46 chromosomes
(23 pairs)

16 Each of us are a combination of DNA from mom and dad.
X 23 in humans X 23 in humans X 23 in humans Each of us are a combination of DNA from mom and dad.

17 Is this all of your DNA?

18 an Animal Cell Mitochondria

19 Only the egg provides mitochondria to the offspring.

20 Mom provides 50. 000275% and Dad provides 49
Mom provides % and Dad provides % of DNA to offspring. … because Mom provides 100% of mitochondrial DNA

21 Traits coded for by mtDNA are inherited only through mother

22 Mitochondrial DNA comparisons can be used to trace ancestry:

23 During the Bolshevik revolution, the Tsar’s family was captured and executed.

24 There are many stories about what happened to their youngest daughter Anastasia
Tsar’s Family


26 Anna Anderson, claimed she was Anastasia

27 Anna Anderson claimed she was Anastasia, but tests of her mtDNA and one of Anastasia’s maternal relatives did not match.

28 For more info check out: http://en. wikipedia
Or the book “Seven Daughters of Eve” by Bryan Sykes

29 The Earth is covered in humans. How did this occur?

30 When did these migrations take place?

31 Non-Coding DNA is used for comparisons between individuals

32 Only DNA that is successfully passed on can be used to trace the past.
Fig 1

33 As DNA is passed on mutations take place
Fig 1 and 4

34 By determining the average time between mutations, we can estimate the time of the last common ancestor. Fig 4

35 The mutation rate in human mtDNA is one nucleotide change per 20,000 years.
OR A difference of one nucleotide between two people indicates a common relative 10,000 years ago. Fig 4

36 How are we related, and where did we come from?
CB 34.41

37 Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens
Multiregional hypothesis “Out of Africa” hypothesis

38 Relationships of different populations using mtDNA
~150,000ya 7 Daughters of Eve, fig. 1

39 X Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens
Multiregional hypothesis “Out of Africa” hypothesis

40 Newer Data: Estimated time of divergence for several DNA regions
Fig 3

41 Newer Data: Estimated time of divergence for several DNA regions
Fig 3

42 X Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens
Multiregional hypothesis “Out of Africa” hypothesis

43 Two hypotheses about the origin of H
Two hypotheses about the origin of H. sapiens conflicting data disproves difeerent hypotheses Multiregional hypothesis: disproved by mtDNA data “Out of Africa” hypothesis: disproved by other DNA data

44 Proposed model of human evolution/
migration (based on mt and nuclear DNA) Additional migrations Expansion from Asia to Africa Out of Africa of Homo sapiens Out of Africa Fig 9 Out of Africa of Homo erectus

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