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Reading Literacy Lesson: Clearing The Way to Acne-Free Days

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Literacy Lesson: Clearing The Way to Acne-Free Days"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Literacy Lesson: Clearing The Way to Acne-Free Days

2 Bellwork 1. Write the title of today’s passage.
2. Write 1-2 sentences telling me what you think this passage is going to be about just by looking at the title. ​

3 Bellwork 1. Can I get a volunteer to share their prediction?
2. What do we remember about annotations while reading?

4 Annotation is a notation of any form made while reading text.
Remember, Reading with a pencil helps etch the ideas you are reading about into your memories.

5 2. Write the word, then rate each of the words on a scale of 1-4:
Vocabulary 1. Scan over the article and highlight 4 or 5 words that you think are important. 2. Write the word, then rate each of the words on a scale of 1-4: I think I know it and can define it I think I know it I’ve heard it or seen it No clue 3. Define these important words using context clues from the article or your phone/tablet, and write a brief definition in your own words.

6 Annotation Underline the major points.
Circle keywords or phrases that are confusing or unknown to you. Use a question mark (?) for questions that you have during the reading. Be sure to write your question. Use an exclamation mark (!) for things that surprise you, and briefly note what it was that caught your attention. Use an asterisk (*) for important information.

7 Lesson Please take 15 minutes to read and annotate the text that has been provided to you. I am going to walk around and look at some of your annotations while you work.

8 1. Partner with the person next to you.
2. Trade annotations with your partner. 3. Take 10 additional minutes and add your annotations to your partner’s paper.

9 What are two new facts you learned from the text? ​
1. Trade the papers back and discuss the new annotations with your partner. 2. With your assigned partner, read the text and answer the following questions together. Everyone must write the answers to these questions on their own answer sheet: What are two new facts you learned from the text? ​ What is the central idea? ​ What is the author’s purpose? ​ Who is the intended audience?

10 Answer the questions on the following slide in complete sentences.
Do not write the question/task. Take 10 minutes to answer the questions independently.

11 Get ready to complete the Exit Ticket.
Questions 1. What percentage of teenagers experience episodes of acne? 2. Explain the difference between the formation of a whitehead and the formation of a blackhead. 3. How do androgen levels affect acne breakouts? 4. Salicylic acid is a compound that is used to treat acne. What does salicylic acid do in the treatment of acne? Get ready to complete the Exit Ticket.

12 Describe the purpose of the passage using FOUR words.
Exit Ticket Identify the topic of the passage using ONE word. Name TWO adjectives that describe the topic. Describe the setting OR audience of your passage using THREE words. Describe the purpose of the passage using FOUR words.

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