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Limited Streamer Tube Project Summary

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1 Limited Streamer Tube Project Summary
Richard Kass Ohio State University Richard Kass

2 Key LST Project Goals Good efficiency to detect muons and KL’s
must fit in the present barrel structure thickness of detector limited to “22mm” Long Term Reliability last until the end of BaBar Installable during summer shutdowns 1/3 in 2004 2/3 in 2005 Richard Kass

3 The LST Team INFN Ferrara INFN Padova INFN Genova INFN Roma
INFN Frascati Ohio State University Princeton University SLAC UCSD Richard Kass

4 The LST building blocks
We need: grounding diagram signal path cabling diagram Base Design: z-strips 38.5 mm wide 96/layer, 6912 total -strips 42.5 mm wide 2 strips/tube 4074 total 10986 channels of electronics Richard Kass

5 Installation of the Z-strip plane decoupled from the modules
Zstrip readout plane is installed before the modules corner pieces are removed Zstrip connectors located at the backward end of the Z plane will not block insertion of the modules from forward end of the IFR Z IFR BACKWARD IFR FORWARD signal connectors z plane fabricated from 3 boards Richard Kass

6 Z-Strip Plane Inserted into Gap before modules
Installation Z-Strip Plane Inserted into Gap before modules THE Z-STRIP PLANE SLIDES INTO THE GAP A TOOLING FOR HOLDING AND MOVING THE FOIL IS NEEDED Many issues with z strips how many sections? how are they held in place? signal connections? grounds? Richard Kass

7 Installation Modules Are Inserted Into Gap After Z-Strip number of tubes/modules/gap varies… Summer 2004 installation issues: how much room do we have for bottom sextant? length of tubes for bottom sextant? length of z strip boards connections? what is blocking what? Richard Kass

8 Tube Prototypes Four different types of tubes are under study
1) pre-prototype double layer tubes (9x9=>9x8 mm) 2) “standard” cells: 9 x 9 mm tubes 3) “small” cells: 9x8 mm double layer tubes 4) “large” cells: 15x17 mm single layer tubes baseline Very detailed studies of each tube geometry: voltage plateau mechanical stability signal quality shielding issues Results from prototypes are crucial to determine final system parameters Richard Kass

9 Pol.Hi.Tech. will assemble and test tubes
Tube Construction and Assembly Tubes will be manufactured and assembled in Italy Pol.Hi.Tech. will assemble and test tubes Focus on quality control Inspection of Comb Shape Profiles Inspection of graphite coating Surface resistivity monitor wire stringing proceedure Inspection of end caps Test for gas leaks HV conditioning Long Range Test and Plateau measurement Add Additional Checks as necessary Richard Kass

10 Module Assembly Focus on quality control
Tubes will be glued together to make modules Assembly sites at Princeton and OSU Focus on quality control Inspection of Shipping Boxes Tube Resisitance and Capacitance Measurement Leak Test?? Burn in Procedure (~1 week) Signal Shape Test Plateau Curve (>300V) Tube Efficiency Scan Test with Radioactive Source Inspect f strips Module burn in test (~1 weeks) Add Additional Checks as necessary Richard Kass

11 What Do We Have To Do? Pre-production
Refine Cost estimate, WBS for IFC Design cables and understand compatibility with RPC FEC Prototyping Test present prototypes Visit PolHITech to discuss manufacture procedures Aging of PVC Double and/or single layer Decide geometries to order F strip design Z strip design Obtain standard 9x9 with high resistivity Make drawings for dies, mandrils Understand finances for prototype costs Order prototypes Test prototypes Order tubes Richard Kass

12 What Do We Have To Do? production Design set Q/A up
Follow construction at Polytech Test tubes at PolHi Tech Ship to OSU and Princeton FEC design FEC design review Test FEC prototype FEC production Crates FEC testing FEC Q/A Design and fabricate Assembly Fixtures Material Handling, Equipment, and procedures Receive and test tubes at assembly sites Assemble modules Full system test in US Ship to SLAC Data Base setup z strip construction, QC F strip construction, QC HV System HV Distribution Monitoring, Controls (Gas System, HV, environment, etc) Simulation Monitoring electronics Cabling Gas system design Gas system fabrication Ship stuff to SLAC Receive, test, store modules at SLAC Installation fixtures Installation plan and procedure Plan for replacements, repairs Richard Kass

13 Issues to be resolved ¨Finalize quality control requirements
¨Length of tubes??? (3.75m??) ¨What to do about layer 18? (and bottom sextant) ¨Better understanding of ground/shielding of tubes source current vs ground plane location? ¨Reduce number of module types ? trade solid angle for ease of construction/installation ¨Which layers get brass? ¨ Can we learn something about the gap size(s) this summer? ¨ LST Gas System how much of RPC system can be used? plumbing? how much flow? backpressure? ¨ Cabling how are modules cabled? cable runs in and out of detector Richard Kass

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