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Unit 3 Days 16-20.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Days 16-20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Days 16-20

2 Day 16 MCA Testing

3 Day 17 MCA Testing

4 Day 18 MCA Testing

5 Day 19

6 Bell Ringer 2 What was the most memorable part of the performance?
What was most effective about the presentation? What techniques did the performer use for emphasis? Bell Ringer 2

7 Plan for the Day "FFA" movie
Introduction to Argument, Claims, and Evidence

8 "FFA" Movie Skip (1:14-1:17:30)

9 Argument, Claims, and Evidence

10 Argument Argument: an author's opinion (AKA thesis statement) Sometimes the same thing as the main idea, but not always.

11 Identifying the Argument
Look at the title of the text. Read the introduction paragraph. Read the conclusion paragraph. Most authors will summarize their opinion in each of these places.

12 Claims Claim: statements in support of an author's argument; answers the question "Why do you believe your opinion is true?"

13 What's the argument? What's the claim?
Justin Timberlake is the best singer because he can sing and he can dance.

14 What's the argument? What's the claim?
Justin Timberlake is the best singer because he can sing and he can dance. Argument Claims

15 Evidence Evidence: anything that supports and author's claim

16 ACE Tree (on the back board)

17 Identifying the ACE Eating candy every day is bad for your health because it causes weight gain and an increased risk for diabetes. According to Dr. Mcstuffins, if someone were to eat a Snickers bar for breakfast seven days a week, they would weigh roughly 850 pounds after one year. She also stated that if that same person continued this diet, they would be 6 times as likely to become diabetic by the age of 30.

18 Note: I made all this information up
Eating candy every day is bad for your health because it causes weight gain and an increased risk for diabetes. According to Dr. Mcstuffins, if someone were to eat a Snickers bar for breakfast seven days a week, they would weigh roughly 850 pounds after one year. She also stated that if that same person continued this diet, they would be 6 times as likely to become diabetic by the age of 30.

19 Homework: Argument Tree
Fill out the Argument and Claims for your speech. Leave the "counter-claim" and "evidence" blank

20 Day 20

21 1A: Bell Ringer 3 What differences and similarities did you see between the “FFA” movie and short story? Make a quick Venn Diagram to explain the differences and similarities.

22 Bell Ringer 3 Identify the argument and claims in the following passage: Cats are excellent pets. Cats are low maintenance and do not require around-the-clock supervision. Cats are also soft and warm which makes them very nice to pet.

23 Plan for the Day Evidence continued Counter-Claims Fact, Opinion, Bias

24 Evidence Just like textual evidence Word-for-word from your research
Has a citation (At LEAST the author's last name in parenthesis)

25 Counter-Claims Stating what the opposing side thinks and explaining why they are wrong. AKA: Refuting the other side “Some people think that candy is good for you because it gives you energy. However, the energy is limited and usually leads to what people in the medical profession refer to as a “sugar crash.’”

26 ACE Tree: Updated Counter-Claim
In your notes, add a “branch” for “counter-claims.” Then create a counter-claim on your blue worksheet.

27 Homework: Continue ACE Tree
Fill in the following boxes... Counter-claim Evidence Row 1 Evidence Row 2Change this to “Explanation” Remember: Evidence=a direct quote from the article The only blank box should be your conclusion.

28 "FFA" Movie Skip (1:14-1:17:30)

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