Sustainability assessment of the introduction of e-bus

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1 Sustainability assessment of the introduction of e-bus
in the city of Rethymno Theocharis Tsoutsos. Stavroula Tournaki. Aggelos Smaragdakis. Eleni Farmaki

2 Electricity generation in the Greek islands
Rethymno Municipality –baseline and energy mix Electricity generation in the Greek islands Fossil fuel – thermal production Wind Farms Solar power plants PV via net metering Crete energy mix 2017 Conventional fuel: 73% RES: 27% Greece energy mix 2017 Conventional fuel: 82% RES: 18% 2

3 Stations Data analysis
CO (ppm) fluctuation during winter time* NO2 (ppm) fluctuation Data recorded from meteorological stations in and outside of the city. variation of traffic pollutants among different locations within the municipality. corresponding to the traffic congestion (winter time data) Upper limits are not exceeded in both cases. CO and NO2 measurements *CO Maximum daily 8hr limit 10 mg/m3 (8.7 ppm) EU Directive 2008/50/EC *NO2 Maximum hourly limit 200 μg/m3 (0.11 ppm) EU Directive 2008/50/EC *

4 Introduction of the first e-bus
Current situation No electric buses in the whole region (Crete) Mostly regular- large sized. diesel buses circulate the city Most citizens unfamiliar with electromobility and its benefits. Procurement costs of EVs is discouraging for fleet operators Needs The public transport has to cope with the additional load of commuters during the touristic period Cleaner fuels will improve the urban environment by reducing emissions/noise and the image of the city as a sustainable destination. Informational and promotional campaigns to strengthen engagement and awareness on electromobility

5 Launching electromobility in Rethymno
Municipal Fleet Public Procurement of an e-car Dedicated signage developed – to be used as a promotional element Public transport Launch e-mobility in PT fleet- mini e-bus procurement New circular bus route designed along the beach connecting the main parking sites Public Infrastructure Installation of first 4 EV chargers New attractive signage design

6 Characteristics of buses compared
Electric Bus Conventional Bus Total passengers 48 47 Type of route served Urban Type of Engine Electric Engine Internal Combustion Engine Fuel Electricity Diesel Country of Origin Hungary Turkey Average Fuel Consumption  0.62 (kWh/km)  0.44 (L/km) Weight (kg) 6,200 5,416

7 Sustainability Assessment
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Examining the sustainability of a shift towards electric mobility in public transport by implementing scientifically common methods of analysis Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): Environmental impacts assessment associated with all the stages of a product's life (raw materials processing. manufacturing procedure. fuel production. distribution procedure. operation) Total cost of ownership (TCO): financial estimation for determining the total economic value of an investment (total cost of acquisition. operating costs. costs of maintenance and/or upgrades). Payback period: time period (number of years) required for the recovery of the initial investment Tourism aspects taken into account: Additional load of commuters during the touristic period -> Number of routes and timetables are adjusted

8 LCA Flow Chart – Electric bus
Final production stages Extensive analysis per construction stage. including raw materials used. The flow chart presents the contribution of the different LCA stages on the total environmental impact. and the contribution per material used. Initial stages / Raw materials

9 LCA Results – ebus vs diesel bus
1.Climate Change-Human Health 2. Ozon depletion 3. Human toxicity 4. Photochemical oxidant formation 5. Particulate matter formation 6. Ionising radiation 7. Climate change- Ecosystem 8. Terrestrial Acidification 9. Freshwater eutrophication 10. Terrestrial Ecotoxicity 11. Freshwater ecotoxicity 12. Marine ecotoxicity 13. Agricultural land occupation 14. Urban land occupation 15. Natural land transformation 16. Metal depletion 17. Fossil depletion 1.Climate Change-Human Health 2. Ozon depletion 3. Human toxicity 4. Photochemical oxidant formation 5. Particulate matter formation 6. Ionising radiation 7. Climate change- Ecosystem 8. Terrestrial Acidification 9. Freshwater eutrophication 10. Terrestrial Ecotoxicity 11. Freshwater ecotoxicity 12. Marine ecotoxicity 13. Agricultural land occupation 14. Urban land occupation 15. Natural land transformation 16. Metal depletion 17. Fossil depletion Electric bus Diesel bus

10 LCA Results – Characterization per stage – E-bus
The chart presents the estimated impacts of the different life stages of the electric bus (different colors): construction (orange). glider construction (green) maintenance (yellow). transport/ delivery by different means. electricity use (red) on the several aspects (such as climate. human health. ecosystems. resources ect). The construction of the powertrain that is marked with the orange color. presents the biggest influence to almost all aspects. CLIMATE CHANGE HUMAN HEALTH CLIMATE CHANGE ECOSYSTEMS FOSSIL DEPLETION Construction stage Operation stage Electricity use

11 TCO Analysis Investment (€) Annual costs (€) Cost per km (€/ km)
Investment (€) Annual costs (€) Cost per km (€/ km) % €/ km Cost Electric Diesel Initial investment 415,000 100,000 51,875 12,500 0.56 0.1 44 11 Battery replacement 238,551 - 29,819 0.32 26 Energy cost 8,000 74,657 0.09 0.8 7 63 External cost 0.04 3 Maintenance & insurance 5,048 8,055 0.2 0.3 16 23 Charging Infrastructure Total 94,742 95,212 1.26 1.29 100 Cost per km based on useful economic life= 8 years Baseline 8 useful years, average of km – ΑΝΤΙΣΤΟΙΧΕΊ ΣΕ «ΜΕΓΑΛΗ» ΔΙΑΔΡΟΜΗ E- Bus: High costs for initial investment and battery replacement Conventional Bus: High energy and maintenance costs


13 Routes examined for TCO
From To Distance (km) Total annual distance (km/year) Ticket value (€) 1 Rethymno Loutra 24.8 82,534 1.3 2 Perivolia University 16.5 92,169 0.8 3 Palm beach Hotel Old town 6.5 27,586 1.0

14 Total annual distance (km/year)
Τotal cost of ownership TCO (€/km) Route No. Routes/ week Total annual distance (km/year) 8 Years 12 Years EB1 ICEB2 1 64 82,534 1.33 1.30 1.10 1.25 2 107 92,169 1.26 1.29 1.02 1.24 3 37 27,586 2.58 1.60 2.56 1.45 1EB: Electric Bus - 2ICEB: Internal Combustion Engine Bus

15 Conclusions Need the e-buses in the urban environment , but also we should minimize the use of fossil fuels for the construction and operation Need for new manufacturing materials and appropriate recycling methods The seasonal increase of PT users vs PT planning The battery issue is always there

16 Two myths of e-mobility under refutation
… is expensive … is clean

17 Thank you! Professor Theocharis Tsoutsos
Director. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Lab School of Environmental Engineering Technical University of Crete

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