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What did I Learn During 3rd Quarter

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1 What did I Learn During 3rd Quarter
World War 1 Began with Gavrilo Principe assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife a) Nationalism-showing extreme pride in one’s nation Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia The thought was that the “Great War” would be over in a short time but trench warfare along the Western Front caused a deadlock (stalemate) Propaganda was used by all sides in the war to show pride in their respective nations and to pass along political beliefs

2 World War 1…Continued The United States
The United States practiced (Isolationism)-Wanted to stay out of the war at all costs. The Zimmermann Telegram promised Mexico if they would fight alongside of Germany, they could get back land from the United States. The United States entered World War 1 The United States provided troops and supplies to the Allies Result of the Zimmermann Telegram

3 Post World War 1 Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles and accept full responsibility for the War Hitler used the Treaty of Versailles as a rallying point to show the German citizens that it was meant to punish him; this helped Hitler come to power. Germany was forced to pay huge Reparations (“payments that cover war damages and deaths to the winning side during war”) This would lead to political instability and economic depression in Germany Germany was also forced to disarm and greatly reduce its military forces.

4 Benito Mussolini-Italy
Interwar Time Period Adolf Hitler-Germany Benito Mussolini-Italy Came to power because of severe economic depression Germany was the outsider that caused World War 1 Convinced the people that he could make life better in Germany Was appointed Chancellor for President Paul von Hindenburg’s death Became a Totalitarian regime (dictatorship) Came to power because of severe economic depression Promised to restore Italy to the power that it was during the time of the Great Roman Empire Used a Fascist government to rule- Political system based on militarism, extreme nationalism and blind loyalty to state and its leader. Became a Totalitarian regime (dictatorship)

5 Joseph Stalin, Communism and the USSR
Stalin established a Communist government in the Soviet Union following the death of Vladimir Lenin Communism-Economic and political system in which the state owns the means of production and a single party rules. Media censorship (what could be said and printed in newspapers) Complete control over businesses (no private businesses) Complete government ownership of property Stalin had millions of innocent people killed because they did not agree with his political beliefs (Finally ended in 1939) Children as young as 12 were executed Under Communism, what did the government control? The Great Purge

6 Events Prior to World War 2
Britain and France saw that Hitler was breaking the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and each country wanted to avoid another war at all costs. Both countries practice “Appeasement” (Policy of giving in to aggression in order to avoid war)towards Hitler British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain conceded and allowed Hitler to take over Czechoslovakia in 1939. Appeasement did not stop Hitler because on September 1, 1939, the Nazi army invaded the country of Poland. This event triggered the start of World War 2.

7 The Holocaust Holocaust-The organized killing of European Jews and others during World War 2. This was an example of “Genocide” (Deliberate attempt to kill or destroy an entire nation or group of people.) Hitler and many other planned in great detail a way to create what was referred to as a “Master Race.” People not of German and Aryan descent were not a part of the Master Race. Over 6,000,00 European Jews were murdered during the Holocaust and a total of almost 11,000,000 people who were of other ethnic groups and political opponents.

8 The United States Enters World War 2
Japan’s bombing of the U.S. Naval bases in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 launched the United States into World War 2. The United States came in to help the Allied Powers and helped score a major victory with the invasion of the beaches of Normandy on June 6, (This day would later be referred to as D-Day) After 6 years of fighting, the United States would drop atomic bombs on both Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945) This would cause Japan to surrender. World War 2 was over on September 2, 1945.

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