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How new words enter the language

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1 How new words enter the language

2 How new words enter the language
Jargons and subcultures Specialised activity inevitably creates the need for an associated specialised language to refer to it. ICT is sorrounded by a specialist language aimed to show individual and group identity.

3 How new words enter the language
Jargon and subcultures Jargon is a mode of speech familiar only to a group or profession. Ex.: byte, chip, baud, etc…

4 How new words enter the language
Jargon and subcultures There is a distinction to be made between jargon for instrumental technical purposes Vs jargon for social purposes

5 How new words enter the language
Eric S. Raymond (1996) categorises: hacker slang: from mainstream English and not technical subculteres (e.g. user)‏ hacker jargon: slang language peculiar to hackers techspeak: the formal technical vocabulary of computer science as found in textbooks, technical dictionaries and standard forms

6 How new words enter the language
Hacker jargon Such group tends to re-lexicalise and/or over-lexicalise words.

7 How new words enter the language
Re-lexicalisation It occurs by inventing new terms or re- using words for new meanings Ex.: newbie, spamming, bootstrapping, etc….

8 How new words enter the language
Over-lexicalisation It is a process in which there are more words than are necessary for communicating the specialised meaning Ex.: nerd, anorak, geek, technophile etc.

9 How new words enter the language
Both processes are based on patterns of metaphor, humor, insider references, imagery, but very often on extreme taboo- breaking choices. Ex.: Acronyms, emoticons and smileys.

10 How new words enter the language
Vocabulary change is commonly understood as a matter of new words for new things but it also shows both a social and a linguistic dimension

11 How new words enter the language
Linguistic recycling New technology vocabulary sometimes has language ‘fossils’ in which a term from a past technology is recycled in other but related ways. The new uses will encode a different range of cultural attitudes and this may bring new connotations.

12 How new words enter the language
POTENTIAL> for change, including practical and social needs IMPLEMENTATION>including triggering and actuation in strict/specialistic contexts DIFFUSION> a wider spread through language CODIFICATION> words achieve an official status and can be recorded in dictionaries

13 How new words enter the language

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