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Monday: January 4, 2016 Make a list of New Year’s Resolutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday: January 4, 2016 Make a list of New Year’s Resolutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday: January 4, 2016 Make a list of New Year’s Resolutions.
Include 3-5 SPECIFIC goals for the year (academic, personal, etc.). Be sure to quantify when possible.

2 NY Resolution Examples:
I will work out 3+ times a week. I will take time out of each day to be grateful for my blessings by meditating on at least 3 specific things I am thankful for. I will raise my ___________ semester grade by 5 grade points.

3 What Would YOU Do? What Would YOU Do? Discussion Prompt
Tuesday, 1/5/16 Tuesday: What Would YOU Do? While visiting someone, you accidentally break something expensive. Do you remain silent? © Presto Plans

4 Period 1: @cffdd2 Period 6: @8f8c3 Period 8: @aeg8
Sign up for Send a text to and include the following in the message box: Period Period Period

5 WEDNESDAY, 1/6/16 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Tuesday: Wednesday Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life. © Presto Plans

6 What are the qualities someone must demonstrate to be called a hero?
Click on the image to see the video. Video Journal Friday, 1/8/16 What are the qualities someone must demonstrate to be called a hero? Why or why not? © Presto Plans

7 Metaphor Tuesday: Monday, 1/11/16 A metaphor is an implied comparison that is made between two unlike things that actually have something important in common. One Direction in their song "One Thing" sing: “You're my kryptonite You keep making me weak” Define metaphor in your own words and give an example. 2 sentences © Presto Plans

8 Metaphor Monday Tuesday:
Although at first glance, kryptonite and love don't seem to have much in common; they actually do! Kryptonite makes Superman feel weak like love makes the man in the song feel weak. This is a direct comparison between two unlike things that have something in common. © Presto Plans

9 What Would YOU Do? What Would YOU Do? Discussion Prompt
Tuesday, 1/12/16 Tuesday: What Would YOU Do? You hear a woman screaming in the parking lot in an unsafe neighborhood. Do you try to go out and help her? © Presto Plans

10 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Wednesday Tuesday: WEDNESDAY, 1/13/16 Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life. © Presto Plans

11 Cliché Tuesday: Wednesday, 1/20/16 A cliché is an expression, idea, or element of work which has become overused to the point of losing its original meaning, even to the point of being trite or irritating. Define cliché in your own words. Give three examples of clichés. © Presto Plans

12 What Would YOU Do? What Would YOU Do? Discussion Prompt
Thursday, 1/21/16 Tuesday: What Would YOU Do? On an airplane, an old man asks if you will change seats with his wife so they can sit together. You came early to get a window seat and don't like his wife's location. Do you move? © Presto Plans

13 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Wednesday Tuesday: Friday, 1/22/16 Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life. © Presto Plans

14 Do you think tanning beds should be banned? Why or why not?
Click on the image to see the video. Video Journal Thursday, 1/28/16 Do you think tanning beds should be banned? Why or why not? Why or why not? © Presto Plans

15 Friday, January 29, 2016 Google: “AVID Philosophical Chairs”
Click on a link that looks reliable. Explain the activity in at least two sentences. If you quote word for word, don’t forget to use quotation marks.

16 Cliffhanger Tuesday: Monday, 2/1/16 A cliffhanger or cliffhanger ending is a plot device in fiction which features a main character in a precarious or difficult dilemma, or confronted with a shocking revelation, at the end of an episode of serialized fiction. A cliffhanger is used to ensure the audience will return to see how the characters resolve the dilemma. Soap Operas are known for using the cliff hanger technique to hook their audience. *Two sentences: Define “cliffhanger” in your own words and give an example from a TV show or movie. © Presto Plans

17 What Would YOU Do? What Would YOU Do? Discussion Prompt
Wednesday, 2/3/16 Tuesday: What Would YOU Do? If you saw your best friend’s boyfriend kissing another girl would you tell her? © Presto Plans

18 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Wednesday Tuesday: Thursday, 2/4/16 Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life. © Presto Plans

19 Video Journal Click on the image to see the video.
Friday, 2/5/16 Do you think cyber bullying is a problem at our school? Why or why not? Why or why not? © Presto Plans

20 What Would YOU Do? What Would YOU Do? Discussion Prompt
Monday, 2/8/16 Tuesday: What Would YOU Do? If you were in the grocery store and saw a person steal a few expensive steaks, would you tell someone? © Presto Plans

21 QUOTE OF THE WEEK Wednesday Tuesday: Tuesday, 2/9/16 Explain what this quote means, and explain how it could apply to your own life. © Presto Plans

22 Video Journal Click on the image to see the video. Why or why not?
Wednesday, 2/10/16 Do you think that video games have a negative effect on teens? Why or why not? Why or why not? © Presto Plans



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