Effect of fibrinolysis on the empyema cavity size after VATS and open surgery. Effect of fibrinolysis on the empyema cavity size after VATS and open surgery.

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1 Effect of fibrinolysis on the empyema cavity size after VATS and open surgery.
Effect of fibrinolysis on the empyema cavity size after VATS and open surgery. A: initial cavity size reduction by VATS debridement alone; B: initial cavity size reduction by open decorti­cation; C1: additional post-operative cavity size reduction by fibrinolysis during the first 40 post-operative days after VATS debridement; C2: additional effect of fibrinolysis during 100 post-operative days after the open surgery. Reproduced and modified from [26] with permission. Dragan Subotic et al. Breathe 2018;14: ©2018 by European Respiratory Society

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