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By Priyansh Patel and Jeffrey Ord

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1 By Priyansh Patel and Jeffrey Ord
Protozoans By Priyansh Patel and Jeffrey Ord

2 Rhizopoda Popularly known as “Amoebas”
All unicellular and move through pseupodia Cytoskeleton with microtubules and microfilaments Live in the soil, freshwater, and saltwater Asexual reproduction Amoeba Pseudopodia

3 Radiolarians Heliozoans
Axopod Pseudopodia Type of Actinopod, which refers to organisms with an axopodia, a special type of pseudopodia Axopodia mainly make up an internal skeleton Radiolarians are marine actinopods with skeletons infused into one piece When they die, their skeletons accumulate on the sea floor as ooze Heliozoans Heliozoa Axopod Type of Actinopod that lives in freshwater Skeletons consists of chitinous un-fused plates with axopods radiating outward from the spherical cell Phagotrophs

4 Foraminifera Structures-
Have porous shell covering them, that are multi-chambered and consist of organic sediment hardened with calcium carbonate Also have strands of cytoplasm called reticulating pseudo pods that forms a dynamic net and allows them to swim Usually 1 mm in size, but can be up to 20 cm

5 Foraminifera Calcareous Ooze-
General term for layers of muddy, calcium carbonate sediments on sea floor and is very basic Made up of planktic and benthic fossils Coccolithophorids and planktic foraminifera form the largest part of the ooze Foraminiferal ooze, a type of calcareous ooze containing foraminifera covers 1/3 of the earth’s surface Reveals past environmental conditions such as past oceanic characteristics, past geological land formations, and past climate conditions (go to 4:10)

6 Paramecium Structure – Conjugation –
Two types of nuclei, large polyploid macronucleus (controls everyday activities) and micronuclei (diploid/function in sexual reproduction) Covered in thousands of cilia lined inside the oral groove Contractile vacuole to regulate osmotic pressure Conjugation – Asexual process reproduces with binary fission Micronucleus starts process and signals everything to divide Sexual process reproduces with conjugation Two individuals line up and replicate their macronuclei creating 4 through meiosis, but only keeping 1 for mitosis They then swap one of their micronuclei

7 Phagocytosis Paramecium

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