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Edusave Character Award [ECHA]

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Presentation on theme: "Edusave Character Award [ECHA]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Edusave Character Award [ECHA]

2 Purpose of Award To recognise outstanding students who are exemplary in character, and who can be role models to inspire others.

3 Purpose of Award To send a clear and strong signal on the importance of character and values, on par with achievements in the academic domain.

4 Eligibility Criteria The nominee is a Singapore citizen.
The nominee passes school examination. The nominee is a role model in his/her conduct (behaviours and actions) and attitude.

5 Eligibility Criteria 4. The nominee has demonstrated, clearly
and consistently, aspects of the following core values: Responsibility (ii) Resilience 

6 Responsibility being accountable and trustworthy in own areas of duties, displaying integrity and teamwork during the conduct of the duties, has moral courage in withstanding negative peer pressure and/or pointing out wrongdoing

7 Resilience being adaptable to changes and/or challenges, displays determination to overcome challenges and perseveres despite setbacks, showing respect for others, takes initiative to help his/her peers and those in need, shows care and concern to others and setting high expectations for self.

8 During nomination, CLEAR EVIDENCE must be stated.
See Nomination Form

9 Nomination Each student will need to nominate at least 1 peer (may be from any class) Self-nomination is allowed. Students may visit the school website to download the form if they want to nominate more than 1 student, or get extra forms from your FT.

10 Nomination Teachers/ CCA Coaches, Instructors, VALS / Parents will also nominate. All students are encouraged to inform your parents of the award and they may visit the school website for more information.

11 Shortlisting & Annoucement of Results
A panel of teachers & School Leaders will be shortlisting the nominees. Students awardees will be notified in November/December. They will be receiving a certificate and monetary award.

12 Take the nomination seriously
Take the nomination seriously! We want to recognize and award the most deserving students!

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