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Chapter 8 Vocabulary Review

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1 Chapter 8 Vocabulary Review

2 To increase the size of a country
Territorial Expansion

3 A journey or voyage made for a certain purpose

4 a special group of voters selected by the people of each state to cast official votes to for the president Electoral College

5 Money paid for protection

6 A general name applied to a group of judges appointed during the final days of John Adam’s Presidency Midnight Judges

7 To formally empower a person

8 to cut off an area by means of troops or warships; to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out; to close off a country’s ports. Blockade

9 Taxes on foreign imported goods
Custom Duties

10 Loyalty to a nation and promotion of its interest above all others

11 The legal rights of states under the constitution
States’ Rights

12 To leave or withdraw Secede

13 Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation’s economy

14 The right of the Supreme Court to determine if a law violates the Constitution
Judicial Review

15 An agreement or arrangement made through negotiation or compromise.

16 The right to sail the seas and not take sides in war
Neutral Rights

17 Republicans during Madison’s presidency who pressed for war with Britain
War Hawks

18 favoring one side of an issue

19 An order prohibiting trade with another country

20 In violation of the laws of the Constitution

21 Forcing people into military service

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