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Lesson 1 Conquest in America

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1 Lesson 1 Conquest in America
Chapter 17 Lesson 1 Conquest in America




5 I. Spain’s Conquest of the Americas
1492- Spanish defeated the Moors(Muslims) and were ready to begin to explore and claim new land (started by supporting Columbus) Spanish greatly admired the warriors who had defeated the Moors and saw the new land as a new start for these men America would be a place where the conquistadors (conquerors) could find gold, seek glory for God and themselves Spain would take control of islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, and land in South, Central and North America


7 II Conquest of Mexico A Central Mexico was home to the empire of the Aztecs 1. capital was Tenochtitlan 2. strong government and warriors led by Moctezuma B. By 1519, they had just finished a civil war C Hernan Cortes arrived on the shores of Mexico 1. Came because of rumors of gold 2. Brought soldiers, guns, cannons, and horses (Aztecs had never seen any of this)

8 D. Legend says that Cortes was given a tour of the capital because he unknowingly fulfilled a prophecy. (Quetzacoatl-fair haired and fair skinned) (translator) E. Aztecs grew tired of the Spanish and a battle broke out in the capital. Moctezuma was killed and the Spanish had to flee the city. F. The Spanish went to outlying areas of empire and found themselves new recruits-other tribes who disliked Aztec rule and taxes ( more Spanish troops also arrived)

9 G. Cortes and his army returned to surround the capital and placed it under siege. The siege lasted about 6 weeks in part due to an epidemic that spread through the city, (measles or smallpox) H. The Aztec surrendered on August 12, 1521, their city was in ruins and most of their warriors dead.



12 III. Conquest of Peru A. South America was home to the Incan Empire 1. Capital-Cuzco 2. Contained as many as 12 million people 3. Emperor/god was a fair ruler B. By 1528, empire had just ended a civil war over which member of ruling family had the right to rule. C Francisco Pizarro with an army of under 200 soldiers arrived in Peru seeking gold


14 D. Pizarro invited emperor Atahualpa to a meeting
D. Pizarro invited emperor Atahualpa to a meeting. He used that opportunity to take advantage of Inca’s small army and simple weapons and took their leader hostage. E. Pizarro forced the Incan people to pay a large ransom in gold for release of their leader. They had to fill a room with gold-Incas did it. Gold and silver amounted to 24 tons of gold-Pizarro killed Atahualpa. F. With their leader gone, the Incas were unable to resist the well-armed Spanish army. G Spanish took control of Inca territory (Peru)

15 IV. Reasons for Spanish victory
Technologically more advanced Different Cultural backgrounds Spain took advantage of weakened state of both empires due to civil war Disease (smallpox, measles)

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