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Genetic Engineering and Cloning

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1 Genetic Engineering and Cloning

2 Cloning = genetically identical organisms produced from a single cell.
A donor cell is taken from a sheep’s udder. Donor Nucleus These two cells are fused using an electric shock. Fused Cell Egg Cell The nucleus of the egg cell is removed. An egg cell is taken from an adult female sheep. The fused cell begins dividing normally. Cloned Lamb Embryo The embryo is placed in the uterus of a foster mother. The embryo develops normally into a lamb—Dolly Foster Mother

3 How did the veterinarian Kline, find out that the female dog had a genetic disorder?

4 Historically, people have affected genes of organisms through various techniques:
Selective breeding- only allowing organisms with desired traits to mate to produce offspring with those traits. (domestic animals and plants) Hybridization: mating dissimilar organisms together to create a new one with best traits from both (example: mule= cross of horse & donkey). Inbreeding: to maintain desired traits.

5 With DNA technology, specific desired genes can be inserted into organisms = “Engineering” which genes are in an organism. Tools of genetic engineering: Restriction enzymes- to cut DNA at specific sites Gel Electrophoresis – to separate DNA fragments Recombination- Combining different DNA fragments together Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) – to copy enough DNA to work with.

6 Gel electrophoresis Separation of DNA Fragments

7 Baby Mom Man1 Man2 Man3 Man4 Man5
Gel Electrophoresis (separation of DNA fragments) – Which man is the father? Baby Mom Man1 Man2 Man3 Man4 Man5

8 Restriction Enzymes

9 Transformation Cell takes in DNA from outside the cell (either directly into the cell or by using bacteria). In bacteria, can attach new DNA to a circular strand of DNA called a Plasmid. The bacteria now has that foreign DNA to produce new proteins Human Cell Gene for human growth hormone Recombinant DNA Sticky ends DNA recombination DNA insertion Bacterial Cell Plasmid Bacterial chromosome Bacterial cell for containing gene for human growth hormone


11 Transgenic Organisms (“Genetically Modified”)
= containing genes from other organisms Pharmaceuticals- insulin, growth hormone, etc. Industrial materials Food supply: Resistance to disease Increased yields

12 Genetically modified organisms are called transgenic organisms
E. coli bacteria producing the human protein insulin GloFish The first genetically modified pet

13 The Human Genome Project
Published in 2001 – map of 3 billion base pairs ~ roughly 35,000 – 40,000 genes on the 46 human chromosomes


15 In summary… Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an organism's genome using biotechnology. New DNA may be inserted in the host genome by first isolating and copying the genetic material of interest using molecular cloning methods to generate a DNA sequence, or by synthesizing the DNA, and then inserting this construct into the host organism. Genes may be removed, or "knocked out", using a nuclease. Source

16 Current concerns of the public about genetic engineering…
Transgenics: Are we bypassing nature? “Designer babies” ? Are there any health hazards of GM foods? Cloning: Using cloning for reproduction. Using cloning to make embryonic stem cells for medical use.

17 Selective Breeding and Medical Advancements
Super Cow -Click ME 60 minutes segment on “Killing Cancer” HERE First 22 min only

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