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Pre-War Compromises.

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1 Pre-War Compromises

2 Missouri Compromise (1820)
Missouri wanted to become a slave state and free states were angry. The balance in Congress would be up set between the slave and free states.

3 What was decided? Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
Maine entered the Union as a free state

4 Compromise of 1850 What should happen to the Southwest territory?
California wants to become a free state. Northerners were upset over the slave trade in Washington DC.

5 What was decided? California entered the Union as a free state.
The rest of the Mexican Cession was given popular sovereignty. Slave trade was abolished in DC. Fugitive Slave Act is enforced

6 Popular Sovereignty Stephen Douglas’ idea that the authority of the government comes from the people.

7 Fugitive Slave Act All runaway slaves that were caught had to be returned to the South Slaves had no right to a jury trial Some free blacks could be captured and sent to the South

8 Kansas-Nebraska Act If both Kansas and Nebraska were to be made free states the balance in Congress would be up set Solution: People in each state would decide the slavery issue (popular sovereignty)

9 Bloody Kansas People from the North and the South flooded Kansas to sway the vote causing a bloody conflict between the states.

10 Tensions were building in Washington, DC leading to Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner fighting on the Senate floor. It took Sumner three and a half years to recover.

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