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Year 8. Term 3. Revision Sheet

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1 Year 8. Term 3. Revision Sheet
Year 8. Term 3. Revision Sheet. Your exam will require you to demonstrate effective drawing techniques and good control of the formal elements (Line, Tone, Colour, Pattern, Form). You will also have to use a range of mark making techniques and explain your choices of techniques. Complete the tasks below to help you prepare for the exam. Task 1: Copy the marks into the empty boxes Task 3: Practice making an accurate sketch in the space below, ensure the shapes are accurate and that your include tone and details. Task 2: Practice gaining a wide range of tone using different types of marks: Task 4: Ensure you understand the following art terms : Formal Elements (Line, Tone, Colour, Pattern, Form) Expressive / Accurate / Marks Collage / Layers / Overlap / Composition GOOD LUCK!

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