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Is there enough competition?

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Presentation on theme: "Is there enough competition?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is there enough competition?
Risk of Oligopolies Is there enough competition?

2 End Result of Oligopolies
Prices higher than perfect competition but less than monopoly Economic profit > 0 Less than monopoly, more than perfect competition Economies of scale in technology means there are rewards to be “bigger” in many markets

3 Oligopoly Market Risks
Predatory Pricing Price Fixing

4 Predatory Pricing Predatory Pricing is purposely setting your prices very low in order to put other firms out of business Your intent is to raise prices later This is illegal according to Anti-Trust Laws

5 Price Fixing Price fixing is using collusion among competitors to fix prices If firms cooperate prices rise toward monopoly prices This is illegal according to Anti-Trust Laws

6 Price Fixing: MasterCard & Visa

7 Airline Price Fixing

8 Price Fixing: England: Milk & Cheese

9 Ben Bernanke Acts Problems Challenges/Risks Fed. Action

10 Lessons from the Great Depression
Bread Lines in USA

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