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Seamus McAleavey.

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Presentation on theme: "Seamus McAleavey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seamus McAleavey

2 You Say You Want Innovation and Results - Do You Really?


4 State of the Sector VI 5000 active organisations 189,000 volunteers
30000 voluntary Board members 26773 paid workforce

5 Innovation, Results and Governance?
Improving financial relationships with the third sector: Guidance to funders and purchasers May 2006 HM Treasury “The main determinant of the financial relationship is the nature of the intended outcomes”. Is procurement now the only show in town?

6 Funding Mechanisms A grant is a financial transfer used to fund an activity that is in broad alignment with the funder’s objectives. Grant-in-aid is a payment to finance the costs of a body operating at arms' length. Procurement is the acquisition of goods and services in line with the government's policy of value for money, normally achieved through competition.

7 Light at the end of the tunnel?
Creating Effective Partnerships between Government and the Voluntary and Community Sector NIAO 2010 PAC Report November 2011 Addressing Bureaucracy DSD 2013 Need greater focus on outcomes rather than process of spend Value for money

8 Grants and Innovation Pilot ideas Fill gaps in services
Develop new methods Respond to new pressures Start a new cycle of change

9 Governance and Innovation
Governance processes are not an end More emphasis has to be placed on value for money Focus should be on outcome we are trying to achieve This requires a cultural shift led from the top

10 Seamus McAleavey

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