Alexander Kozik - Watercolor Art

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1 Alexander Kozik - Watercolor Art
I started my early experiments with watercolor during my education at St. Petersburg University, Russia. After an eighteen year break from painting, I started over. My paintings express dreams and fantasies using bright colors. I like to play with warm color palettes, contrast, forms, and composition. Many of my paintings are improvisations and are inspired by the diverse patterns of California nature and life. Dreamer (1988) My daily job is the visualization of genomic data using computer graphics. I work at the University of California at Davis. Here is an example of a plant genome (Arabidopsis) visualized using my software. My watercolor materials Tree (2006) (530) Joy (2006) All of my drawings are on high quality Arches acid-free paper. Yarka (from Russia – “bright”) and the Winsor&Newton watercolor sets with bright natural pigments are my favorite materials. I use pigments like ochre, cobalt blue, cadmium yellow, orange and red, and oxide of chromium, which do not lose brightness for decades.

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