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3 main types of Referrals

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1 3 main types of Referrals
BNI Referral Training Handout Tuesday, May 24, 2005 3 main types of Referrals Word of Mouth The most common – not normally tracked Formal Process in place; Incentive for customers or trusted advisors to refer new business Customers, Partners and Associations Help people who value your service to help you! Create an elevator Pitch The same format should be used for all marketing communication Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

2 Identify your Best Niche
Who are you top 3 Customers? Who are your most profitable (Hopefully the same)? What industry are they in? Who makes the decision to buy your product or service – Cheque Writer Who is your Ideal first contact? Customer? Trusted advisor? Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

3 What makes them buyers? Revenue Increase
What problems or desires do your customers have, that you can solve? What does solving that Problem enable them to do? How do they put a value on their new capability – normally one of; Revenue Increase Cost Reduction Meeting Regulations Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

4 Use Testimonials to validate it?
The “decision maker” of “Your Top Customer” in “Their Industry Niche” needed “The services you provide” because Now outline the; Problem or Desire, Capability Value. Name 3 target prospects Finish with a “no obligation” call to action, that benefits them straight away. Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

5 Sample 60 Second Pitch – Part 1
Recently the Owner and MD of Sysnet an IT Company, required the services an experienced sales director, without incurring huge costs. His key problems were; Not enough sales & flat revenues, needed to hire sales people, no experience in sales himself. Solving those problems has enabled him to; Close more sales faster Increase his turnover Concentrate on growing his business Bank more profit Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

6 Sample 60 Second Pitch – part 2
He calculates the value based on cost savings and increased profit and creating an exit plan for himself in 3 years If You know any IT companies, such as Exact Software, Paradigm Technology and Datarch Ltd, whose Owners have these problems; send them to where they can; Sign up for the monthly Info Bulletin Apply for a free sales and marketing assessment of their business. Your message must be from your prospects perspective!

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